Solar heating, definition and construction. Renewable energy.

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How to build a solar water heater

Reuse and recycling should be an objective to consider in our daily lives where we can also build utensils that really add value to the day to day.

With imagination and a little crafts, everyone in our homes can build a solar water heater and shower with hot water thanks to the energy provided by the sun, a great renewable energy that has no cost and that undoubtedly from our pocket to the environment will thank us sincerely.

It is evident that commercially we can find them, but here it is a matter of considering sustainable options and taking advantage of different leftover materials that we normally have in our habitual residence and that would otherwise be discarded.

What is a solar water heater?… It is a shower that works by thermosyphon effect and reduces the cost to heat the water to 0 and as long as it is a sunny day it will work and store hot water for the next day, this is the most amazing thing! … A device that takes advantage of the solar radiation of the day and the greenhouse effect, for water heating. It is an economical and sustainable energy alternative.

Recycling present in the solar water heater

Best of all, sustainable water heaters They are built reusing materials from recycled material such as; Plastic bottles (PET), soda cans, mattresses, tetrapack, vegetable drawers, pallets, among others.

Here, imagination plays an important role in the use of materials with the main objective that we need translucent containers to contain water and other more resistant materials to support the containers.

Here we can see an example of how the water is heated to be able to bathe later.

It is built in a few days and it is estimated that a family of 4 uses 80 liters of hot water per day in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

In general, the roof of the house is used as a support because once built, it is placed in the direction of the sun on the roof of the house and is loaded with approximately 100L of water (Obviously it depends on the size, but it is considered that 100L are sufficient for a family with normal habits), the weight must be supported by the roof structure.

Construction and solidarity hand in hand

Nowadays many groups of professionals are contributing their bit through volunteering, installing the solar water heater in neighborhoods with low economic resources and with difficulties in accessing the basic resources necessary on a day-to-day basis.

The companies collaborate with them and donate the materials that if it were not for this great project they would be thrown away (Of interest to see the circular economy article to understand how to preserve raw materials).

In addition, they give training courses and renewable energies are promoted in this way by carrying out direct social action where joint work and social mobility is palpable.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to build an ecological solar water heater.

Fantastic! Truth?

It can also be built by schools, neighborhood clubs or centers as a community task, or simply at home, as a job and hobby for the whole family.

Not only will they save energy, but they will also be helping to curb climate change by reducing CO2 emissions to the environment and raising awareness about recycling.

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