Aerothermal heating, cooling and ACC - Green Ecologist

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Aerothermal energy in renewable energy

For a few years the aerothermal configures a technology that is on the lips of many experts in the sector and that is influencing air conditioning systems in a forceful way. Its promoters promise great benefits, highlighting a low cost.

At Zigurat Global Institute of Technology, together with our technical team from the Facilities area, we have proposed to answer the following question, what is Aerothermal and what advantages does it offer compared to conventional air conditioning systems? Or discovering the advantages and disadvantages of aerothermal is a necessity that we must understand as professionals.

Initially, in order to objectively assess this technological system, it may be interesting to review some basic concepts that we sometimes forget.

If we look at the first principle of thermodynamics, energy is neither created nor destroyed; it just transforms. On the other hand, the second principle indicates the directionality of this transformation and therefore the impossibility of undoing the path we have trodden. The moving image below is an example of a standard heat engine where we observe the input from a heat source (boiler) on the left and the output to a heat sink (condenser) on the right.

Having established the rules of the game, scientists and engineers have developed the means and systems to make the most of this energy transfer, achieving for example aerothermal for heating. In our case, we use it to air-condition our house.

One of the first methods of air conditioning used was the bonfire. This archaic system allowed, and allows, to take advantage of the chemical energy stored in fuel, mainly wood, to generate heat.

This example shows that by burning a material "X", the energy contained in its chemical bonds is transformed into heat (and light). Once the fuel is exhausted, it is impossible to recover it, the process is understood to be one-way.

From this point on, technological advances have focused on two differentiating aspects or ways:

  • The maximum use of fuel, with increasingly efficient boilers such as condensing ones.
  • Heat distribution methods such as underfloor heating.

With the Aerothermal and reversible heat pumps a third front opens. Instead of combustion to transform a fuel (Wood or Pellets, natural gas, propane, LPG, etc.) the heat contained in the air is transferred from one medium to another. Instead, we must pay an energy toll, since heat only flows spontaneously from a hot bulb to a colder one.

The heat pumps They are a type of thermal device that allow the heat to "move" between two thermal reservoirs with different temperatures in the opposite direction to the natural one in exchange for the work input. All of this is possible if we artificially create a colder medium than the cold reservoir, connected to a hotter medium than the hot reservoir.

The Evaporator: It is a heat exchanger, colder than the place from which we want to extract the heat (cold reservoir).

The Condenser: it is a heat exchanger, hotter than the place where we want to transfer the heat (hot reservoir).

The Reservoir: environment capable of yielding or absorbing heat: environment, home, room.

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