Royal Decree 56/2016 on energy audits in Spain - Green Ecologist

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Analysis of Royal Decree 56/2016 regarding energy audits

The Royal Decree 56/2016 (February 12 -2016) referring to energy audits in Spain partially transposing the European Directive on energy efficiency 2012/27 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (25 - October - 2012), with regard to the energy audit, accreditation of suppliers of energy services and auditors and promoting the efficiency of energy supply.

According to the Ministry of Industry in an informative note … «Efficiency is boosted throughenergy audits for large companies ”.With a really "desperate" delay for many of the professionals of the sector as well as from the regulatory members of Brussels.

Today the Council of Ministers approved the Royal Decree that transposes the European Directive on Energy Efficiency (Directive 2012/27 / EU). The one that allows to boost the saving and energy efficiency contributing decisively to achieve the objectives of the EU and the one that was established as the deadline for this transposition that of June of two thousand and fourteen.

This breach had actually caused the beginning of a sanctioning file by the European Commission against Spain last month of October and that we can read more information from the article Spain does not comply with energy efficiency.

Obligations Directive 2012/27 / EU in energy audits

To come to understand the new Royal Decree 56/2016 We should first see what requirements the Directive 2012/27 / EU designates us as regards regarding audits and, in this sense, we have made a summary - infographic to clarify the needs:

Analysis of Royal Decree 56/2016 energy audits in Spain

The RD 56/2016 partially transposes the aforementioned directive of the European Union, with regard to energy audits, accreditation systems for distributors of energy services and energy auditors and the promotion of energy efficiency in the processes of production and use of heat and cold.

The Energy audits they are tools that let the organizations know their situation with regard to the use of energy and that, due to the fact that they are carried out in a different way according to the areas, companies and countries, require a standardization that allows the results obtained to be made comparable. We wanted to make a analysis of the highlights of the new document of Royal Decree 56/2016:

Energy audits obligation for large companies

This royal decree establishes the obligation to carry out a energy audit in the companies other than SMEs, in accordance with the provisions of title I of the annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361 / CE, of May 6, two thousand and three, on the definition of microenterprises, SMEs, on the activities managed by the company. This regulation establishes that must be done every 4 years from the date of the preceding energy audit.

It affects those companies that are considered large companies, understanding as such those that occupy at least 250 people such as those that, even without meeting said requirement, have a business volume that exceeds 50 million euros and, at the same time, a general count that exceeds 43 millions of euros.

Note: However, every law hides some good paragraph, so the supporting documents can be delivered within three months, with February 14 as the deadline.

Energy audit criteria

Obligations of energy auditors

Accreditation system for energy service providers and energy auditors, regulates the conditions and requirements that must be observed for the accreditation of these suppliers and auditors. Which will be found in the IDAE and will be called "List of Energy Service Providers"

Regulation of cogeneration

The evaluation of the potential of high-efficiency cogeneration and of urban heating and cooling systems is regulated to be done, in order to provide information to investors regarding national development plans and contribute to a stable and conducive environment for investment.

Penalty regime for energy audits

A sanctioning regime is established, is the one relating to sanctions for non-compliance with the provisions of this royal decree 56/2016. Failure to comply with the precepts contained in this royal decree will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of articles 80 and 82 of Law 18/2014, of October 15, on the approval of urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency. (See more in Law 18/2014)

Infractions typified in the matter of energy audits

A slightly more explanatory table of the sanctions is …

Modification of Royal Decree 1027/2007. Regulation of thermal installations in buildings.

Part II "Technical Instructions" of the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings, approved as an annex to Royal Decree 1027/2007, of July 20. Table 3.1 Preventive maintenance operations and their periodicity are modified of IT 3.3 which is replaced by the following:

Facilities maintenance period

Energy auditor requirements model

Responsible declaration model relative to the fulfillment of the requirements for the exercise of the professional activity of energy service providers. We have edited it from OVACEN in PDF so that you can download it or consult it whenever you want … model energy auditor statement.

Energy audit model

Communication model regarding the performance of an energy audit. We have edited it from OVACEN in PDF so that you can download it or consult it whenever you want … energy audit model.

But… Who must complete the audit? When should the audit be submitted? How should the audit be? What requirements must the auditors meet? o Are there penalties?

Answer from the M. Industry that many auditors they wonder…. Where is the transposition of the obligation to install meters for heating, domestic hot water and cooling?…. HERE.

A point of the document of which we are not at all proud We find it in the third additional provision that establishes that the measures included in this royal decree will not entail an increase in spending«The measures included in this norm will be taken care of with the existing budgetary availabilities in each fiscal year and They may not entail an increase in endowments or remuneration, or other personnel expenses«… .

NOTE dated 06/15/2016: The Plenary of the Constitutional Court, has agreed to admit for processing the positive conflict of jurisdiction no. 2761-2016, promoted by the Government of Catalonia, in relation to article 13 and the first and fourth final provisions of Royal Decree 56/2016, of February 12, which transposes Directive 2012/27 / EU of the European Parliament, regarding to energy efficiency, with regard to energy audits, accreditation of energy service providers and auditors and promotion of energy supply efficiency. Here BOE…. We'll see how this ends!

Documents and guides for the energy auditor

Reference points where energy auditors can consult thelegislation:

  • European Directive on Energy Efficiency (Directive 2012/27 / EU)… HERE.
  • New Royal Decree 56/2016 energy audits in Spain … HERE.

In addition, the Association of Energy Efficiency Companies, A3e, has published a document that aims to make the RD 56 2016 aboutenergy audit. The document is a summary and analysis Interpreted - FAQ (HERE) that aims to summarize, interpret and resolve some questions and doubts related to the regulatory energy audits and the affection on the ISO and UNE-EN standards.

Other consultation documents for the auditor related to clarifying the regulations in force they are: (Different presentations)

  • Process and requirements from HERE.

We remind you that we have a glossary of documents with methodologies and practice usual from the article with guides and manuals for the energy auditor. (Due to the amount of information, when they are in the article, if you click on F3 in the searched Chrome, a search window will appear in the upper right)

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