Internet of things; What it is, examples and its advantages and disadvantages

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Internet of Things

Wishing it or not, the reality is that we are moving towards a way of understanding life totally "connected" to the network, and this will affect the way of understanding cities and the way of inhabiting them, architecture, interior design, advertising or the design among many other aspects.

And this is where the example ofInternet of Things (Internet of Things - IoT, for its acronym in English)…. Do you think that an orchid will be able to tell its story? Do you think that it is possible to teach the building to speak or change color according to the weather outside? Do you think that a car can call an ambulance faster than a telephone? Can you imagine an ambulance gathering critical information from the patient before reaching the hospital?

What is the Internet of Things

Mainly this concept comes based on a work of advanced science and technology that was published in 1999, When things start to thinkby MIT researcher Neil Gershenfeld. Wrote… "In addition to trying to keep computers everywhere, we should try to keep them out of the way."

The end of IoT technology be able to talk to each other, to have an identity, to have control of objects, to detect their environment and make decisions according to specific needs to help us in our daily lives.

This aspect is revolutionizing the different sectors of the internet industry, including the way of living and understanding buildings, the home or transportation. In the following graphs we can identify the evolution it is having and the speed of adoption by sectors … How smart are things today?

A internet revolution in which everything is connected to the network …

To have a greater global perspective and understanding, we add as example of internet of things the following video. Openarch is a real prototype of a smart home, a Thinkbig Factory project.

The first home designed from the ground up to incorporate a digital layer that connects the house and its elements to the Internet. It represents the sum of many small applications of new technologies in the home, for this it is helped by devices such as Kinect, webcams, projectors with multiple sensors to measure from CO2 to electricity consumption.

How the internet of things affects construction

The works and constructions are beginning to feel the technological pulse what they contribute new control capabilities, real-time data and resource efficiency about projects. From MIT they provide us with one of the most interesting infographics to be able to recognize the most relevant useful aspects:

How it affects the home

In the following video we can test an example of what an ordinary day will be like where technology is fully integrated into our daily lives with the IoT:

Evidently that the endIoTgoes beyond the architecture or interior design of the houses, representing itself in a word that we all already know, the Smart cities.

Those futuristic and intelligent cities that "theoretically" provide us with a kinder life through different mega-connected systems, an improved habitat, more security, a sustainability of the environment, where the energy efficiency of things it will be enhanced at its finest and, these days, are so in vogue.

We remember the articleThe future of Smart Cities and their investment where we verified that the growth prospects for 2025 of the smart cities or Smart city they are four times more. But…

How it affects cities

Cilab’s Smart city is an advertising video about how Internet of things technologies they can make our cities smarter and minimize the environmental impact of our daily activities.

We can already identify that the new capacity Internet on objects moves a lot of money. In the Eleconomista article from HERE….« It will mean global savings of 14.5 billion euros. European billions. Eleven of them correspond to the private environment and the rest to the public. Because it would translate into more efficient asset management (including energy management in smart buildings) and productivity improvements. '

Although we can verify that it can undoubtedly bring benefits to society or individually, there is always a but, some advantages and disadvantages of the Internet of things we want to show. Without getting into the discussion of … Who is behind? Looking at the big electronics companies and their many "hidden" interests.

Advantages of the Internet of Things

  • -. Increase of a new business model and opportunity. New services that better respond to the specific needs of citizens.
  • -. The technology of things, will allow the detection and capture of different events, providing detailed and real-time visibility of what is happening in a building, of possible actions that can be taken according to climate changes…. etc. Reduction of the expenses that a property, electricity, community … etc. can produce. In short, a greater adoption of the efficiency of the resources that a building has.
  • -. Savings in time for the user, both individually and in the community.
  • -. Automatic and efficient management of urban infrastructures. Improve energy saving, energy efficiency improvements … etc. Improvement in the management of mobility and urban parking, to improve traffic and reduce search times for a parking space, decrease queues and waiting times in municipal offices and health centers, etc.
  • -. Improvement of urban planning and surroundings. Detection of deficient infrastructures or to improve. More efficient green areas with less resource costs. More controlled peripheral areas … etc.

Disadvantages of the Internet of Things

  • -. Financing by the Administration or the individual, since a significant investment in technology is required.
  • -. Given the implementation of a high degree of technology, it depends on companies that offer these services. Both at a public and private level.
  • -. Reduction of privacy. "To be more efficient, it is necessary to observe what habits the consumer has in all its aspects and levels"
  • -. Real estate is getting more expensive. They are more complex to run and build.
  • -. Greater gaps technology between cities and realities. Not all cities can assume such a cost, so first and second class cities, buildings or neighborhoods will appear.
  • -. Due to the complexity absorbed by the Internet of Things, they simultaneously produce a considerable increase in waste.

Determinants of evolution and challenges

Examples Internet of things

IOTS Examples or the famous Internet of things We can find many and more, if we go into the different "gadgets" and systems that flood the technology market every day; from mobile APPS to measure anything or notify us, smart objects who talk and think, until the last vacuum cleaner that knows when our house is dirty…. We leave several Internet of Things examples:

The first is some smart "stickers" that are added to objects to offer data about them, we just have to program (they are already defined in an easy way) that they want to communicate to us.

An example is added to a pot and it will tell us when is the last time to water it or, depending on the temperature where it is, if it needs more or less water …

A example of smart technology it is a sensor for the garden. The device records data on temperature, sunlight, humidity or the level of fertilizer in the soil.

It is evident that technology is being implanted with great harshness in the daily life of our homes. An example is the following video …

To learn more: Publications on IOT

  • Bankinter Foundation (The internet in things in a world connected to smart objects in Spain)… from HERE.
  • Industrial Internet Insights for 2015 (General Electric and Accenture - The report, which is based on a survey of executives, notes that executives in the industrial and healthcare sectors foresee enormous potential in the industrial Internet, combining big data analytics with IOT technology)
  • Opinion 8/2014 on the on Recent Developments on the Internet of Things (European Commission - The report represents the first joint opinion on the Internet of Things approved by the European data protection authorities. Identifies the main data protection risks that arise in the Internet of Things ecosystem and provides guidance on how the legal framework of the European Union can be applied in this context)
  • 2014 State of the Internet of things (Accenture Interactive - The report is based on a survey of more than 2,000 US consumers and examines their adoption of connected devices and smart technology now and in the future)

Now an evolution is approaching (revolution, according to many) that is based on the connection of all kinds of devices, including many that we often do not believe can be connected … In the following TED talk he explains the future of this trend.

Links of interest to the portal:

  • What is a TOD (Sustainable Urban Development for People) city
  • Breakthrough living architecture (From poor to rich)
  • What is a Smart City or smart cities
  • Urban design manuals
  • Recover public space (Urbanize with intelligence)
  • Cities and their planning (How to save)

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