Growing and caring for lilies

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The lilies They are one of the most beautiful plants that you can grow in your home, thanks mainly to their beautiful flowers. Its name comes from ancient Greek since the plant was called Iris for its petals, which recall the colors of the rainbow. Currently there are more than 300 species of this plant, some rhizomatous and others bulbous, but all precious. One of the best known is the fleur de lis.

The leaves vary depending on the species, and can be long and thin, short and heart-shaped, or narrow and enveloping. The flowers have two types of petals: erect or curved, and they can be in a wide variety of colors. Depending on its species, it can flower at any time of the year, so it is a perfect plant to have throughout the year both indoors and outdoors. In Green Ecologist, we detail which is growing and caring for lilies.

What do lilies need

  • Illumination: You will get the best results if the plant is in full sun or in a partially shaded area.
  • Temperature: Ideally, it should be at a temperature between 10-20ºC all year round.
  • I usually: Normal garden soil that is calcareous and clayey does best, although there are some species that require a more marshy soil.
  • Irrigation: once a week, twice if the plant is in the flowering season. Make sure it never gets flooded.
  • Pass: At the time of planting, you must apply organic fertilizer, and from there, pay monthly with mineral fertilizer until flowering.
  • Multiplication: It must be done by subdivision of the rhizomes between the months of August and September. Ideally, allow three years after planting to obtain a much more abundant flowering.

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