Caring for the excelsa palm tree

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Known as palm tree excelsa, belongs to the Arecaceae family and to the Trachycarpus genus, which is made up of about 10 species of dioecious palms that originate in the most mountainous regions of Asia. With the right conditions they can be grown anywhere in the world, and their best known species are Trachycarpus fortunei, Trachycarpus wagnerianus or Trachycarpus takil.

It also receives other common names, such as raised palm, Fortune palm, excelsa palm, garden palm or foot palm. It is a slow-growing plant that can reach 10 meters in height, with very large, one-meter wide fan-shaped leaves and dark green color. Its flowers are scented and small but occur in long and showy hanging clusters of more than half a meter in length. In Green Ecologist, we show what are the cares of the exalted palm tree.

Main cares of the excelsa palm

  • Location: It is ideal for large gardens and for both isolated and group setting. At its youngest age you can use it as a houseplant, but always with very large pots so that its roots grow without problems. If you have it indoors, it should be in a very well lit place.
  • Weather: It needs to be in full sun and totally protected from the wind. It can withstand frost if it is outside.
  • I usually: It is not very demanding in this sense, its only requirement being that it can retain some moisture, which is why clay is the best option. Always add some organic matter.
  • Irrigation: It has to be regular so that the soil can always be somewhat damp, but with great care not to get waterlogged.
  • Pass: Apply mineral fertilizer a couple of times in the spring and organic fertilizer once in the fall.
  • Pruning: You do not need it but you can do it to remove dry, old or damaged leaves.
  • Plagues and diseases: they are very resistant in this sense, being practically impossible that they contract some.
  • Multiplication: It is usually done by seeds sown in spring, but since it is so slow growing it is best that you acquire the specimen in a specialized place.

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