How to make ecological gardens, back to nature

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Every day more people prefer ecological gardens to the traditional ones, due to their greater consideration for the environment and their better results. This type of garden remains faithful to natural processes, shows a high respect for the sustainability environmental and rejects the use of chemical products, always minimizing the spending from Energy.

Organic vegetables without leaving home

If the garden is spacious, a alternative idea Very popular and with great benefits is the planting of a vegetable garden. An organic crop that will improve the garden as a whole and our quality of life. For this task you can use a square base, a large planter or define a space with wooden stakes or glass bottles with the base facing up.

It is important to locate the garden away from trees that take away the water and avoid walls that can avoid the sun's rays. The sunniest part should be used for the planting of tomatoes, peppers and fruits, while vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, broccoli or beans would be in the shady space. Each type of plant requires its own water level, sun exposure and care. To rid the vegetables from pestsThe aforementioned aromatic plants can also be cultivated. It must be taken into account that, during the winter, we will need adequate protection against the wind or low temperatures.

The soil must be stirred well before planting and enriched with homemade compost so that organic products grow more natural and tasty. In the long run, the ecological urban garden has been shown to be a savings and the quality of the fruits and vegetables is often exceptional.

Ideas that will turn your garden into a unique space

Other proposals to consider for your ecological garden They are: promoting the wildlife of birds and other species by adding attractions such as drinking fountains, incorporating a pond, having different types of trees, using biodegradable pots or, failing that, the lower part of plastic bottles, the integration of kokedama plants ( a ball of moss covering the roots that replaces the pot) and keep the grass longer to avoid excessive use of lawnmowers.

Gardening is a very satisfying practice, a creative task that gives us a space of great beauty without leaving home, in addition to the favorite hobby of many nature lovers. Making this space a privileged place in your home with small ecological additions will be a pleasure and a challenge at the same time.

Advantages of the ecological garden

A ecological garden automatically controls insect pests, breaking the habit of exterminating all kinds of living beings that we meet. Some, such as bees or centipedes, feed on minor parasites, which do have a negative impact on plants, so by letting them live we respect the micro-habitat of our garden. In case we are forced to act against a certain pest, insecticides can be made based on garlic or tomato that do not use any chemical compound. An ecological garden stands, therefore, as a more natural space.

A very important concept in this novel practice is that of biodiversity. It is more beneficial for the garden to have the greater range possible from plants, vegetables and even living things.

The optimal care and development of an ecological garden encompasses three basic premises: the use of water and light sources, the non-extermination of insects and the natural feeding of the substrate.

Making responsible use of the water used for irrigation would be the first point to attack. Likewise, factors can be taken into account to optimize it, starting with choosing plants that do not require a large amount of water if our land is dry. For this purpose, the choice of native plants. Installing containers located under the roof gutters or drums distributed throughout the garden to take advantage of the rains will contribute positively to said savings. The use of light also requires efficient use; many establishments sell solar panels that transform solar energy into a light source. By placing two or three lamps in strategic places, the panels will be nourished by sunlight during the day to provide a night illumination of the garden. Another option is the use of energy saving light bulbs.


In a garden ecological the pests They are controlled naturally by adding aromatic plants that repel them. We are talking about rosemary, calendula, sage, thyme, basil or chamomile, among others. These friendly plants will not only give a more varied and colorful touch to the garden, but will also be responsible for driving away microorganisms that can be harmful.

The first step to the adventure of create a garden one of these characteristics is the knowledge of the terrain on which we are going to work. To fertilize and compost the substrate, only natural products are required: fertilizers, manure or the so-called homemade compost. It is about making an amalgam that will result in a very beneficial source of nutrients for the land. The first layer, which will serve as the base, will be made up of dry elements, such as leaves and bark, the second is the result of green harvest remains, the next of manure and the last layer must contain organic elements that enrich the mixture , like crushed eggshell. This natural compost must be constantly moistened and the process lasts approximately three months. By combining carbohydrates, humidity, nitrogen and other elements we will be helping to enrich the soil on which our plants will grow strong and healthy. Of course, without chemicals.

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