Take back the neglected garden

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The garden is neglected with the passage of time, but it is time to refine it, for it to come back to life, give it a different air by renewing it so that it regains its lost forms. You do not need big things, it is only a matter of small nuances, think that a abandoned garden it can become a hazard and gives a bad image to the house.
At Ecologista Verde we want to give you several tips and ideas to reclaim the neglected garden. Do not miss it!

How to fix a neglected garden

You can start by changing a corner that looks boring or has a deteriorated appearance. Another much more important recommendation is remove weeds, remove the excess of dry branches from the trees, or carry out a pruning in the hedges that need it.

As you can see, there is a long list of necessary tasks for a garden to regain its splendor: the first and essential thing is to eliminate the weeds that can be removed by uprooting them and adding herbicide to the ground so that they sprout again. Then you should also keep the soil in good condition, for this you can aerate it with a rake and adding a layer of mulch or fertile land, then check that the drainage is correct so that the ground does not puddle every time it is watered or rains.

Regarding the bushes, it will be necessary to prune thoroughly, especially if they have grown too much, it is important to control the size so as not to diminish the clarity of the garden and not to disturb the neighbors. If it is too much work, you can start on one side so that it is completely renewed and the following year perform the same operation on the other side. These types of species do great pruning and they sprout again in a few years with a lot of energy. For other species that are not hedges, it may be more advisable to eliminate them completely if they are in very bad condition and later plant new ones so that they grow healthy.

As for the perennial plants, it is also recommended to discard those that are aged, since if they are not going to bloom, it does not make much sense that they continue to be there. Control the problem of excessive growth, basically to prevent it from invading the garden and clutter reigning. Rejuvenating the plants consists of extracting them from the ground to remove the bushes in bad condition and replant those that are still healthy and can continue to give flowers, while allowing you to sow pleasant aromas and show a clear symptom of cleanliness.

On the other hand, maintain the lawn Low is undoubtedly one of the most important things to show off a well-kept garden. Square or rectangular lawns can be reshaped with transplants from other areas and added to the meadow or patches of new grass. You can take advantage of the occasion to make a path that leads to the entrance of the house, for this, insert elements such as stones in the form of tiles and place planters on the sides.

Finally, if the structures that separate the garden, such as the fences, they are worn or their deterioration is visible, it is best to repaint them, in the case that they are wooden walls it is advisable to sand it first and give it a good coat of varnish, so that they are as new. If they are made of metal, do not forget to apply an antioxidant product.

If you want to read more articles similar to Take back the neglected garden, we recommend that you enter our Garden Care category.

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