How To Clean Green Water From A Pond - Tips

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Having a pond in the garden is a real pleasure for the senses: being able to feel the freshness, listen to the murmur of the water, observe the life of aquatic species … Of course, it can become the most special corner of your home, in the that you can enjoy unique moments. Of course, for it to look in your garden it needs certain care and maintenance, especially if you do not want the water to acquire a too green color.

This problem, which is one of the most frequent in ornamental ponds, is due to the presence of algae in suspension in the water. These proliferate by finding in the water an ideal environment to live thanks to the nutrients and the light. That is why in the following Green Ecologist article we will talk to you about how to clean green water in a pond.

Causes of green pond water

Among the causes that make the pond water be green It is also found:

  • Excess sun exposure.
  • Overpopulation.
  • Excess food.
  • I think of poor quality.
  • Poor water quality.
  • The constant fall of leaves from the trees.
  • The accumulation of rainwater debris.

Therefore, to avoid green water, we must combat everything that we have just mentioned.

Put plants that absorb nutrients from the green water of a pond

One of the best solutions to avoid excess green water is increase the number of plants that absorb nutrients that feed the algae and offer shade to the environment. It's also a good idea to build pergolas (with or without plants), plant palm trees, use fluctuating plants, or find ways to create shade to balance the brightness of the pond.

Here you can know +50 aquatic plants: names and characteristics.

Monitor the number of fish to take care of the water in a pond

Apart from putting plants to control the amount of nutrients and algae and placing more shade, it is important adjust the amount of fish taking into account the size of the pond and the amount of water that is put into it. If you overdo it, they will produce more dirt than can be cleaned naturally, and some will probably die because conditions will not be optimal for them.

Of course, it is necessary to feed these animals a quality food and in a controlled way. You should also increase the partial water changes to avoid high levels of nitrites, nitrates, etc. and keep the water in your pond as clean as possible.

Other tips to remove the green color from pond water

Finally, to find solutions against green water in ponds, we recommend that you:

  • Keep the edges slightly higher to prevent dirt from getting in.
  • Protect the pond from falling leaves.
  • Install a UV filter.

Here you can find more Tips for a good maintenance of your pond.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to clean green water in a pond, we recommend that you enter our Garden Care category.

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