How to calculate your carbon footprint

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Do you know your fingerprint from carbon? Consumers can find out how much CO2 they emit and how to reduce it using calculators available on the Internet. A concept very similar to that of the ecological footprint, which aims to make the population aware of the impact that their carbon dioxide emissions have on the environment and its impact on the environment. climate change. In this Green Ecologist article, we explain how to calculate the carbon footprint.

Carbon footprint

For know your carbon footprint, you can use one of the various calculators on the Internet. They are not entirely reliable but they do represent an important element of awareness.

Each citizen of the United States emits 21 tons of CO2 per year. In Spain, 9.8 tons of CO2. While in Mali or Bangladesh it barely emits an average of 50 and 300 kilos of CO2.

Consumers can learn certain green tips in their daily lives not only to reduce their carbon footprint, but also to be more respectful of the environment in general, such as recycling or separate collection of garbage at home.

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