Algae, types of water marine plants

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I have always been fascinated by sea plants of water, because there are countless species and all of them are incredible. Not only do we have many wonderful species on land, but we can also find beautiful and very interesting plants in the sea. In the marine world there is a whole world to discover of marine plants that are also called macrophytes, hydrophytes or hydrorogites.

Marine plants adapt to the media aquatic and humid environments, an example is the algae that everyone knows. But next I will tell you a little more about the types of marine water plants.

Submerged plants

The plants submerged they can be partially submerged, fully submerged or with floating leaves. Are plants They are usually at the bottom of the water, but in some cases they can even live in the earthly environment with special cares.

Types of algae

This is the world's best known marine species and everyone knows algae. "Alga" applies to organisms of a plant nature that live in water regardless of whether it is sweet or salty, they do not have flowers and these plants can do the process of photosynthesis.

We can find:

  • Brown algae: Brown algae are also known as pheophytes, they are large algae that are known for their green color. Masks the green color of the chlorophyll.
  • Benthic algae: These algae are important constituents of the sea floor since their development and diversity has been achieved in the sea. They live on rocks and stones.
  • Red algae: This group of algae has more than three thousand species and is characterized by its reddish color also masking the color of chlorophyll.
  • Green algae: these algae are very common and are known by the name of green algae or chlorophytes because of the intense green color provided by chlorophyll. They grow on solid objects and absorb nutrients directly from water, making their food with photosynthesis.

As you can see, there are many species that live in the sea WorldThese are just some types of marine water plants that you can find in the aquatic system of our world, but the marine species that make up our oceans are huge and, just like on our terrestrial planet, we can enjoy very diverse plants and vegetation, on our aquatic planet there is also great diversity. Do you know any plant that you like a lot and that is a marine plant? Do you want to share your knowledge with us?

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