Palm tree care

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Palm trees are one of the most successful types of plants in recent years, especially indoors, although where they look most beautiful is undoubtedly in a garden, since this way they can grow and reach their maximum splendor in their natural habitat.

Receiving proper care they can develop optimally both in a garden and in a pot, reaching over 35 meters in the species that reach the highest height, although if you do not have a garden you can buy any species suitable for housing. If you want to know everything about the care of the palm trees, keep reading this Green Ecology article.

How to choose a palm tree

Before choosing a palm tree you must confirm how high will you reach, as well as the number of arms that it will develop, its years of life and if it needs special care in terms of compost and pruning.

In the indoor palm trees The most important thing is to know how you should fertilize and water them, as well as when is the right time to change them.

How to care for a palm tree

As for care, pruning is one of the essentials. Each palm tree must be treated and cared for individually and respecting their own biology, pruning only when there is a danger of the dry leaves falling off, something that usually happens only every three or four years.

You must also be very responsible with the rest of the care, knowing how often should you water it and how often to pay it, since it is something that changes in each species and there is no generic information that can help you. If you take good care of it, you have no doubt that your palm tree will compensate you and give immense vitality to your home. If you have any questions about its cultivation, take a look at the article we wrote a few weeks ago on the cultivation of palm trees.

When to prune a palm tree

The best times to prune a palm tree are spring and summer. To prune it, you must remove the dead leaves, those that cause discomfort and, at most, a crown of green leaves, but do not remove more, since they are vital for the diet of the palm trees and contribute to keeping the trunk in good condition.

If you want to read more articles similar to Palm tree care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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