How to grow in small pots

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Growing plants is small flowerpots It is something that appeals to anyone: They seem not to need much care, they do not take up too much space, they are very cute on an ornamental level and they are also perfect for children's first contacts with plants.


If this is the first time you do it, here are some helpful tips so that you dare once and for all.

Go trying different plants that you like; You will be surprised to see that many of them not only resist growth in these pots but can also develop normally. However, be careful as if the plant does not flower you will probably have to transplant it to a larger container to favor his developing.

The importance of light

Sunlight is essential for these tiny plants, so it is important that you look for well-lit spaces (it does not matter that the sunlight is direct or indirect). In the event that you do not have too much sunlight or that you have preferred to dedicate it to other larger or more important specimens for you, look for some plants resistant to shade or semi-shade for these pots.

As in larger plants, you must eliminate the defective parts that have not managed to develop or have withered or dried, because in addition to giving the plant more beauty, it will give it more health.

Be careful with watering, because if you run out of water you could literally drown the plant. Keep in mind that it is substratum it is very scarce and an excessive amount of water would most likely rot the roots.

In relation to the above and precisely so that this does not happen, you must be cautious when choosing the containers, which must favor good drainage.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to grow in small pots, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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