AMARILIS or AMARYLLIS Plant: Care and Reproduction

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The amaryllis or amayllis, whose scientific name is Hippeastrum spp., It is a bulbous plant that has more than 70 species and that is original from the American continent, where it can be found from the Caribbean latitudes to the regions of Argentina and Chile. It is a perennial plant, very characteristic for its flower and that, at present, is cultivated all over the world as a decorative plant. The amaryllis or amaryllis plant needs fairly general care. This means that it is an easy-to-grow plant that responds well to most indoor environments.

However, if you want to make your plant look splendid, keep reading Green Ecologist and we will tell you everything you need to know about caring for the amaryllis or amaryllis plant and also to make it easy to reproduce.

Amaryllis or amarullis plant care

With this simple guide on the care of the amaryllis plant, you will see that it is not so difficult to enjoy it at home:

Location and light

Amaryllis is a plant that comes from a tropical environment. However, it is necessary to avoid direct exposure to the sun's rays, as it could burn its leaves and flowers. If we place it inside the house, it is best to place it in a place near a window, so that it is well lit but without direct contact with the sun's rays.


Regarding watering, it is important that the amaryllis has a humid substrate on a regular basis, although avoiding waterlogging, as this could cause the bulb to rot. In this sense, it is recommended that the substrate is a mixture of organic material with the earth and that it has good drainage, for example, placing a layer of sand in the lower part of the pot. In addition, when the amaryllis is in a pot or pot, it is best to use a pot a little larger than the size of the bulb. In any case, it is always better to avoid excessively large pots.


Amaryllis is a plant that does not tolerate cold well, its perfect temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. Due precisely to this, it is necessary that we place it indoors during the winter. Likewise, it is advisable to pay it during the summer and autumn months so that it can take in enough nutrients to withstand the cold without problems. However, if we introduce amaryllis at home, it is essential that we avoid placing it near heat sources, such as radiators near windows.


On the other hand, it is a plant that is very prone to being attacked by insects and defoliating animals, such as caterpillars, slugs and snails. Therefore, it is convenient to be aware of the presence of these pests and spray a natural insecticide at the slightest sign of a plague or even apply it preventively from time to time.

In this other Green Ecologist article we show you how to make natural insecticides for plants.

How to reproduce amaryllis

The reproduction of amaryllis it can be done in different ways. The most common way is to do it through its seeds, which must be planted at early summer and that germinate a few days after being planted. From these seeds, a new plant will emerge, with its corresponding bulb, leaves and flowers. However, it must be taken into account that new plants that are developed from seeds can take up to 6 years to flower, so it is a very common method of reproduction in nurseries, but unusual in the case of individuals.

However, there is another very common way to get the amaryllis plant to reproduce, and that is to do it through the children. The suckers are smaller bulbs that are growing around the main bulb. When these suckers are separated from the main plant and grown separately, they result in a new amaryllis plant. In this case, the most common is that the flowering takes between 3 and 4 years to develop.

How to plant amaryllis bulbs

Beyond the reproduction of amaryllis or Hippeastrum, The most common way in which these types of plants are marketed is directly in bulbs. In this way, all that is necessary is to take the already developed bulb and plant it in the corresponding substrate where you want the plant to develop.

In this sense, it is very important to take into account that amaryllis bulbs they should be planted without the top of the bulb being hidden by the soil. In fact, it is best to expose the top third of the bulb. This will allow the plant to develop normally and to be able to produce leaves and flowers in less time. On the contrary, if the bulb is planted in such a way that it is completely covered with the substrate, it is very likely that it will rot or that it will simply not develop. Once planted correctly, we must water it abundantly, although always avoiding waterlogging of the pot.

If you want to read more articles similar to Amaryllis or amaryllis plant: care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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