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When spring arrives, there are many plants that gain a lot of popularity in our gardens and homes for the showiness of their flowers. One of the most popular in this regard is coronary anemone, better known as anemone or ground anemone, which in addition to having beautiful flowers is undemanding and does not take up much space, as well as being easy to multiply.

If you want to learn how to take care of the coronary anemone to enjoy its striking flowers in your home, join us in this Green Ecologist article where you can consult our Coronary Anemone Care Guide.

Characteristics of coronary anemone

These are the main characteristics of coronary anemone:

  • The Anemone are a whole genus of plants with around 120 species, originating in the Mediterranean basin. These are plants that are highly valued ornamentally for their flowers, of a great variety of colors and with a flowering period that goes from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. Here you can meet 22 spring flowers, among which is this one.
  • These plants are mainly divided into three large groups, the bulbous, which bloom in spring, the vivacious, which bloom in the fall, and the florist plants. Coronary anemone is part of this last group, which is what we will focus on this time.
  • The Anemone coronaria flower It is purple or lilac in color, very similar in shape to that of the poppy and up to almost 10 cm in diameter. They are solitary flowers, growing on plants that rarely exceed 40 cm in height.
  • Anemone bulbs are, in this case, a simple irregular rhizome, which tends to be planted in autumn or early spring depending on the climate of the area, the fall option being preferable, as is often the case with plants of this type.
  • There are numerous cultivars of the species obtained for ornamental purposes, some of the best known being Santa Brígida and De Caén.

Climate and location for coronary anemone

This plant is native to the Mediterranean area, so it is adapted to a warm weather of mild winters. It resists mild or occasional frosts, although prolonged or intense frosts in cold climates can kill the plant.

Regarding the sun, in mild and temperate climates we can plant it in full sun, but in general this plant will develop much better in shady or semi-shady environments, with a certain humidity. For this reason, it is common to find it next to ponds or water passage areas, on its shores.

Irrigation of the coronary anemone

Depending on the climate, the anemone will need watering a few 2 or 3 times a week in the warm months. Irrigation must be frequent but not too abundant, so that they provide some moisture to the soil or substrate, always without flooding. The warmer and drier the climate, the more frequent they should be. In the cold months, it is usual to stop watering the rhizomes once the aerial part of the plant has dried, being able to even remove them from the ground to preserve them and bury them again when the time comes in mid-autumn.

We recommend you take a look at this other post about When to water the plants.

Land for the anemone

If you plant your anemone outdoors, you will need a fertile land with good drainage. You can use common garden soil previously well stirred and aerated so that it is loose, to which you will add a part of mulch and another of sand, in addition to earthworm humus if it is a soil not very rich in nutrients. Stir the mixture thoroughly to even it out and your anemones will have no problem in it.

In pots, a good mixture of substrate is made with a third of black peat, a third of coconut fiber and a third of worm humus, to which we will add a handful of perlite and vermiculite. This substrate is universal for all kinds of plants and provides a soil very rich in nutrients, with great drainage, very light and with a large number of beneficial microorganisms thanks to worm humus, an excellent ecological fertilizer.

Anemone compost

This plant, like many flowering plants, will appreciate a contribution from fertilizer every 15 days or once a month in warm months. You can use specific liquid fertilizer and incorporate it into irrigation, or use compost or worm castings to be added to the soil to provide it with that extra nutrient in an ecological way.

In these other guides you can learn How to make worm castings and How to make homemade compsot.

Anemone multiplication

The multiplication of this plant is really simple, since we can limit ourselves to carefully separating the children that usually appear in the rhizome. These can be planted immediately in any other container or area as if it were any other specimen of the plant, paying special care for the first days to provide enough water and protect them from direct intense sun.

It is also possible to multiply it by seeds in the normal way, although the multiplication by rhizomes will always be faster and easier, in addition to ensuring an individual exactly the same as the mother plant.

If you want to read more articles similar to Coronary anemone care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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