How to AVOID CLIMATE CHANGE - 20 tips with VIDEO

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Can we avoid climate change? Sadly not. The uncomfortable truth is that some consequences of climate change have already arrived and they are here to stay. In fact, even if greenhouse gases were to be emitted into the atmosphere right now, we would still suffer for a time the effects of the gases that have already been emitted, since the climate system responds to changes with a certain inertia, that is, the consequences come with some delay. However, we can still contribute to making climate change less intense and, therefore, having fewer negative consequences for all life on our planet. For this reason, according to the Paris Agreement, it was determined that, in order for the consequences of climate change to be no worse than what is already known to be, global warming must be stopped by a 1.5 ° C rise. To achieve this, the carbon footprint has to be lowered. But what is the carbon footprint? This represents the amount of greenhouse gases that humans emit throughout the year. By 2022, it was almost 50 billion tons of CO2 equivalent, a figure that is increasing every year. Well, that amount will have to be 0 around the years 2045-2050 if we want to meet the objective of the Paris Agreement and it will have had to be reduced by 45% by 2030.

From Ecologist Verde, we answer the question about how to avoid climate change or, rather, how to avoid its worsening and reduce it. Here we tell you how to reduce climate change from home by reducing our carbon footprint. We give you a series of tips so that, together, we change course and lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Use public transport or share private transport

The measures to reduce climate change that can be taken with respect to the use of transport are very important for the reduction of the carbon footprint that can be obtained with them. The aim is to avoid the use of combustion engines as much as possible, therefore, using public transport or sharing private transport will avoid the massive use of cars and, therefore, emit more CO2 into the atmosphere.

We recommend you read this other post about Vehicle Pollution, its causes and consequences.

Replace your car with a combustion engine with another hybrid or electric

Along the same lines, another of the things we can do to combat climate change is to replace our car with a combustion engine for another. We can choose one that is hybrid or we can also opt for one electric. The energy that is going to be supplied will have to have a renewable origin, if not, we will not have solved anything. Here you can know the Advantages of plug-in hybrid cars.

Choose not to have a car

We continue with transport, and the use of this is crucial in this effort that we must do together to fight climate change. Thus, if it is not essential to have a car, it is better to opt for not have a car. Let's not forget that the car manufacturing process also requires energy and raw materials that are often not recycled once we get rid of them.

Try not to travel by plane

Traveling from one point of the globe to another at a very high speed has a very high energy cost. If the number of flights made per year is reduced and you choose to travel, for example, in train or bus it will avoid burning many tons of kerosene of fossil origin. Prefer to other means of transport It involves investing more time and money, but it is much cheaper ecologically speaking.


If you have the lucky to be able to telework is another very good choice to be able mitigate the effects of climate change, since in this way you avoid having to use any means of transport, in addition, the excessive use of buildings used for work would also be avoided and, therefore, costs associated with their construction and maintenance would be avoided.

Eat a healthy diet

Producing food has a big impact on carbon footprintNot only because of the energy that is put into cultivation, but also because we are occupying land where CO2 could be stored in the form of forests. For that reason, eat healthy Reducing the amount of meat you consume is another good idea to mitigate the effects of climate change, since the animals mostly eat feed, which in turn needs large areas of land and water in order to be produced.

Go vegetarian

Go vegetarian It may be an unpopular measure in some places, but it is much more expensive to produce the same amount of calories in terms of CO2 emissions. produce meat than to produce vegetables, especially in the case of veal, which becomes a whole environmental luxury.

Consume seasonal products and local products

The season products They do not require the use of heaters or refrigerators for their production, so they have a lower carbon footprint. Likewise, if we consume local produce We are preventing energy from being wasted in its transport, although the impact is not too high because it is transported in huge quantities by boat.

Here we tell you what are organic foods.

Don't waste food

Do not waste food it is as important or more than eating a healthy diet. We have to buy adjusting only to what we are going to need, and not only for take care of our planetbut also for ethical reasons (in some places food is wasted while in others there is severe famines and people die for it).

Go ahead and read more about this topic in this link to Food waste: causes, consequences and how to avoid it.

Produce your own food

If you are fortunate enough to have a certain space to be able to grow your own vegetables and fruit trees, you will be contributing to emit less CO2, since the energy that can be spent in the entire chain of intermediaries is eliminated. This will help reduce human-caused or anthropogenic climate change and will provide you with healthy food and greater well-being.

Here we tell you How to make an urban garden at home and How to grow fruit trees in pots.

Reinforce the insulation of your home

Properly insulate windows and doors to prevent cold or heat from outside from entering your home. You can also ventilate to cool the house and use more clothing and textiles to warm up. Avoid excessive use of heating and air conditioning as much as possible.

Use a heat pump

Many Europeans use fossil gas to heat water that then heats the whole house, which is not particularly efficient. Using a heat pump instead it is more ecologically efficient. Its operation consists of taking the heat that is in a cold environment and transferring it to another that was already warmer. It works practically the same as a refrigeration machine, except for the change in the goal: to provide heat.

Use efficient appliances

It is advisable to have efficient appliances at home. It also can save energy using to the maximum of its capacity, especially in the case of electrical appliances such as the dishwasher or the washing machine. One of the places where more energy is spent in a house is the kitchen, where we recommend not having gas, but rather an induction or electric hob.

Here we discover which are the home appliances that consume the most energy.

Buy an efficient house (passive houses)

Another option is to build efficient houses, whose building materials are close and take advantage of in their architecture natural light, as well as building very intelligent canalization systems that allow the house to be tempered without using practically energy. They are similar to old houses with wide walls, only the materials and available space are used more efficiently.

Use electricity from renewable sources

At the time of choose an electricity supplier, make sure that the origin of this is 100% renewable. Be careful with this, as some sell electricity with somewhat misleading or misleading advertising. In this way we can reduce our carbon footprint in a good percentage.

Heat your home with renewable energy

Don't use fossil gases (natural gas) to heat your house, use better electricity that comes from renewable energy. It is a little more expensive, but if you can make that effort, you will be doing a bit more in the fight against climate change.

Generate your own renewable energy

Although not everyone can afford it, another very good option is install solar panels in our homes. The efficiency of these will depend on the orientation of the house and the place where we live, since there are not the same number of hours of sunshine nor the solar radiation is so intense in all places.

In this other post we tell you how to install solar panels.

Reduce, reuse and recycle

Reduce, reuse and recycle helps the environment in a lot of respects. Above all, reduce the waste you throw away and reuse the materials you already used, since recycling entails the emission of CO2 from the transport and processing of materials.

Here we tell you all about the 3Rs of ecology and here we discover the 7Rs of ecology.

Participate in reforestation

Repopulating those spaces where there were trees and that have been eliminated for various reasons is the objective of the reforestation. It's a good way to decrease climate changeTherefore, as we have already mentioned, they are carbon deposits on our planet.

Go ahead and learn more in this other article about What is reforestation and its importance.

Inform and educate others

Share all these tips with your closest circle it can help mark a change. However, it is not necessary that we all take each and every one of the measures, it is about choosing the ones that best suit each one. Thus, little by little, we will all be in the same boat and we will be influencing companies, governments and legislators to take all the necessary measures.

Here you can learn more about Environmental education activities for young people.

Why it is important to stop climate change

That the temperature of the planet increases globally is not only synonymous with passing more heat. Here are some of the main consequences of climate change.

  • The thaw and the consequent rise in sea level will cause flooding and also erosion in the coastal and low-lying regions.
  • Extreme weather conditions cause flooding and also reduce water quality. Meanwhile, elsewhere there is a gradual decline in the amount of water resources.
  • Mediterranean areas are becoming places with more heat waves and lower humidity, making these areas even more vulnerable to fires and severe droughts.
  • People in developing countries tend to be more closely linked to their natural environment and therefore do not have as many resources to cope with changes in the climate.
  • Human health is also in danger with more deaths from heat and water-transferred diseases (among others).
  • Climate change is happening very fast and many species of animals and plants are having a hard time adapting, leaving them in serious danger of extinction.

We also encourage you to watch the video below in which we talk about these tips to avoid climate change or, rather, to mitigate it.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to avoid climate changeWe recommend that you enter our Climate Change category.

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