Why is WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY celebrated?

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The environment and its protection are shaping the political and cultural agenda of our time, how could it be otherwise. At the end of the day, environmentalism is one of the most vibrant current movements and with the greatest future projection since, unfortunately, there are many aspects in which, as a species, we have to improve our relationship with living beings as a whole and with our planet in particular. Within this culture of environmentalism, there are certain initiatives promoted by the most representative social agents and, a good example of this is World Environment Day, which is celebrated on June 5 of each year.

However, do you know why is World Environment Day celebrated and why is it done precisely on that date? Keep reading Green Ecology and find out.

What is World Environment Day

As the name suggests, it is a day on which the importance of the environment is celebrated and commemorated and, above all, special emphasis is placed on the need we have as a species to protect and care for it, since human actions are degrading it in an extreme way. Here we talk more about how man influences the deterioration of the environment.

It is an initiative that, in this way, responds to the needs and challenges that, as a 21st century society, we have. However, its origin is prior to this century. Specifically, it goes back to 1974, when it was precisely the 5th June of that year when it was celebrated for the first time worldwide and under the auspices of the United Nations.

Why is World Environment Day celebrated on June 5

The date chosen to celebrate World Environment Day is not random. In 1974 it was the first in which the celebration took place. However, the origin is found two years earlier, specifically, on December 15, 1972. On that date, it was when the UN developed a resolution that promoted the creation of a specific day that would serve to commemorate and remember the importance of the environment and, above all, that it would serve to educate and reaffirm society in its predominant role that human action has on our planet.

That same year, months before, in Stockholm, a conference had been held whose main theme was the environment and how human action was affecting it due to the great environmental pollution. It was, by all means, the first episode in which, from a highly relevant administration and institution, the possibility that human actions could put into question the mere survival of life and the human species on our planet was raised. . In fact, although environmentalism is older, it is considered that the Stockholm Conference was the turning point that served to give visibility to the environmental movement and the importance that human beings have in preserving a habitable planet and an environment in good condition for life. The Stockholm Conference was held in said city between June 5 and 16, 1972. For this reason, and to remember the beginning of that conference that was the turning point in the visibility of the environmental movement, the UN resolution established that it was the 5th June the day on which such an important date as World Environment Day is celebrated.

How World Environment Day is celebrated

There are a number of ways that celebrate World Environment Day. From an official point of view, every year it is a country that acts as host and celebrates the United Nations international summit on this date. Likewise, each year a specific theme is chosen with special emphasis. In general, these are issues that, for various reasons, rank high on the environmental policy and agenda. Thus, in 2022 the summit took place in India, and the central theme of the summit was "Plastic Pollution". The previous year, in 2022, the summit took place in Canada, under the theme "Connecting people with nature", and so on.

However, beyond the official actions carried out under the auspices of the United Nations, a multitude of activities are organized in all regions and cities of the planet. Among many of them, it is worth highlighting those that have a marked educational purpose, whose main function is to raise awareness both in the general population, and in children in particular, of the importance and need to care for and protect our planet and the environment, especially in the current times in which both are so threatened by the actions of the human being.

In Green Ecologist we show you phrases of the environment that you can use for this special day and, in addition, we recommend reading this other article about Activities to take care of the environment.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why is World Environment Day celebrated?, we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment.

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