Causes and Consequences of CLIMATE CHANGE

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Concepts such as climate change, global warming or the greenhouse effect are today on everyone's lips because for some decades the planet's climate has been changing. However, this has never been static. Currently, the idea that human action is producing a global climate change is almost generally accepted. In this article by Ecologista Verde we want to contribute to the awareness of society regarding this issue by informing you about the causes and consequences of climate change.

What is climate change

Climate change, a concept that should not be confused as a synonym for global warming, as we explain in the next section, is the change in weather patterns of global climate of the Earth in a significant and prolonged way over a period of time that can range from decades to millions of years.

In itself, climate variability is something normal that has occurred throughout the history of the planet, the most notable being the variations produced in glacial and interglacial cycles over approximately 100,000 years.

Scientists are currently working to try to understand what the climate was like in the past and what it will be like in the future. For this, a climate registry has been drawn up that continues to be constructed today and that is based on numerous factors:

  • Thermal perforation profiles.
  • Flora and fauna records.
  • Glacial and periglacial processes.
  • Analysis of sediment layers.
  • Records above sea level.

What is global warming

It is one of the many aspects covered by climate change, and refers to the increase in the earth's atmospheric temperature. Currently it refers to the change in temperature that has occurred since approximately the 20th century, especially in recent decades, where global warming worldwide has been alarming.

What is the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon without which life would not be possible. It is the process by which the retention of heat from the sun in the earth's atmosphere thanks to a layer of atmospheric gases called “greenhouse effect gases”, being the most efficient and known, although not the only one, carbon dioxide (CO2). Therefore, without this phenomenon, the planet's temperature would be too cold for life to develop on it.

Causes of climate change

As we said before, climate variability is something normal and is due to the variation in various factors that condition it, such as ocean currents, biotic processes, volcanic activity or variations in received solar radiation. Therefore, human action is not the only cause of climate change, as this may also be due to these natural causes influencing the climate, as has occurred long ago in the history of the planet.

However, it appears that current climate change has been seen increased due to greenhouse gases produced mainly by humans, establishing a 95% certainty in 2013. Most of these gases are generated in the combustion of fossil fuels through cars, factories or the production of electricity. In addition, the great deforestation has produced a 30% increase in the concentration of these gases since the last century, when the imbalance caused by these gas emissions could be balanced in a natural way.

Although the main gas that has seen its atmospheric levels increased by man and that could be the The main cause of global warming is carbon dioxide (CO2), there are other gases that contribute to climate change such as:

  • The methane (CH4). It is expelled from landfills and in agricultural activities. Methane is produced naturally in the digestive systems of grazing animals. Did you know that the gases from cows, rich in methane, CO2 and nitrogen, produce 30% of methane emissions worldwide?
  • The Nitrous oxide (N2O), from fertilizers, and other industrial processes.
  • The Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). Used in the refrigeration, aerosol or thermal insulation industry.
  • The Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). It is known to cause the opposite effect of helium in the human voice. It is used as an insulator in electrical systems, steel and eye surgery.
  • The Ozone (O3)

Consequences of climate change

The consequences produced by climate change are numerous. In 2001 the IPCC (Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change) exposed through observations of physical and biological systems that changes in the climate were taking place, specifically the temperature increase. This factor affects existing systems in different parts of the Earth. Ultimately, what they indicated is that the evidence on the existence of climate change was beginning to accumulate, as well as its derived effects.

In general, throughout the twentieth century there has been a 0.6 ° C rise in temperature. This, according to the researchers, has caused the increasingly hot oceans to expand, raising the sea level by 10 to 12 centimeters.

Predictions made about the consequences of climate change they are not at all encouraging, both environmentally and economically and socially.

  • The sea level will continue to rise as a result of rising temperatures, which will cause glaciers to melt. With this, the cities that are on the coasts will be exposed to possible floods.
  • Lack of drinking water: Inland water bodies such as rivers and lakes could dry up due to droughts, reducing the availability of water for food production.
  • Many animal and plant species will become extinct due to the rapidity with which the habitats in which they are will change, being unable to adapt to them in time. Here below you can watch a video explaining how climate change affects animals.
  • Meteorological phenomena They will occur more regularly, such as storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts or heat waves, which increase the death rate.
  • The millions of people's health would be threatened, according to the World Health Organization, since there would be an increase in cases of malnutrition or diseases such as malaria or others linked to the availability of water.

Even with all the existing evidence of climate change and, despite the serious consequences that it entails, there are skeptical people who deny its existence. Scientists warn of the seriousness of the situation. It is urgent to take measures, which, the longer they take to arrive, the more irreversible the situation on the planet will become.

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