What is mini hydro power and how does it work?

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The centrals of Energy Mini hydraulics have been generating renewable electricity for more than a century, although today many have fallen into disuse. In Spain there are barely more than a thousand plants in operation, practically reducing by half since the 1960s, their peak. However, despite being a specific type of power plant, as energy is included in the hydraulics.

How electricity is generated

Mini-hydraulic energy is obtained by channeling the Water for a few pipelines wherever the waterfall is located, taking it to the plant or making it fall to the turbine. Thus, the pressure exerted on the turbine will convert it into electricity. That is to say, when the water falls, it exerts pressure on it and transforms it into electrical energy.

Therefore, electrical energy is obtained from it Kinetic energy of water caused by gravity, which means that the natural or artificial unevenness will largely determine the power. Mini hydraulic dams are usually considered those with an installed power of no more than 10 MW and dimensions of less than 15 meters.

Advantages of mini hydraulics

Apart from the possible environmental problems and the important installation that is required, although those with flowing water require minimal works, mini-hydraulic power has numerous advantages. Not being intermittent, as is the case with wind or solar, is one of them, or not having an end, because no matter how much the river is used, it continues to flow and does not run out.

It is not polluting either, since it does not emit greenhouse gases, which is a great advantage over other sources such as coming of fossil fuels. At the same time, the proximity of the place where it is produced not only encourages energy independence but also avoids the use of large high-voltage networks, thus saving us its high environmental and economic cost, as well as electricity losses in the transport.

In addition to being used in electric systems public, mini-hydro can be used to generate electricity for self-consumption or, in the event of surpluses, even to sell the electricity to the grid.

Possibilities for self-consumption

If in a certain location we have a waterfall capable of ensuring a minimum supply of electricity, we will obtain a regular supply which can be an interesting alternative to other renewable energy sources such as solar or wind.

And of course the mini hydraulics It can be combined with other sources of energy, such as solar, wind or geothermal, the choice of which will depend on our budget and climate of the place. However, doing so will be unnecessary if we do not need to increase electricity production.


The specificity of hydropower consists of the nonexistence of prey or, if any, are very small. Basically, the centrals mini-hydraulic They do not consume water from the river, they simply collect it and then return it later, at a later point in the channel. Specifically, electricity is generated thanks to waterfalls, without following the system of large hydraulic dams, which are not very ecological because they threaten the ecosystem and the global hydrological cycle.

Thus, there would be two types of mini hydraulic power plants: the power plants at the foot of the dam, which retain the water in a small reservoir and those with flowing water, which involve building a bypass of the river to feed a channel that takes the water through pipes to the turbine to finally return it to the channel. In both cases, although their impact is much less than in the case of large dams, they can be harmful to the environment, so the environmental recommendations of the World Commission on Dams must be followed for their planning and implementation.

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