Why use LED bulbs

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One of the technologies that has become more popular in recent years is LED bulbs. These types of bulbs can be found in many of the electrical objects that surround us today, from lamps to decorative objects or electronic devices. However, do you know why use LED bulbs is it good for the planet? If you want to discover a little more about how this type of light bulb works and what makes it better than traditional light bulbs, and even low consumption ones, keep reading Green Ecology and we will tell you about it.

What is an LED bulb

The word LED is an acronym formed by the English initials of Light Emitting Diode (light emitting diode). In this way, it is a type of bulb that serves to emit light from the use of diode technology, which is characterized because they work at low temperatures. This is achieved by incorporating a series of circuits to the bulb itself, which are responsible for regulating the passage of electricity and, consequently, these bulbs are made to work.

LED bulbs can be used in any appliance or electrical installation, since they can be adapted to both traditional and modern bushings. In fact, today you can find LED bulbs of almost any type, which makes it an affordable technology and easy to incorporate into our daily lives.

What are the advantages of LED bulbs

Higher energy efficiency

When it comes to energy efficiency, it is referring to the fact that the energy that is consumed is done in the most efficient way possible. When a light bulb is turned on, some of the electricity is used to produce light, but some is lost as heat. In the case of traditional light bulbs, the electricity they use to produce heat is usually almost half. This means that half of the energy consumed by these bulbs is produced and paid for when it only serves to produce heat. On the contrary, in the case of LED bulbs, the use of electricity to produce light is 90%, which means that, in order to illuminate the same room, will consume 40% less energy than a traditional light bulb.

They have a longer duration

Also, the lifespan of LED bulbs is considerably longer than other types of bulbs. In the case of an incandescent bulb (the traditional ones), the normal thing is that they last about 1,200 hours, and the low consumption bulbs have an average life of about 10,000 hours. While LED bulbs have a estimated duration between 30,000 and 50,000 hours, which makes them much more durable than any of their competitors.

They do not include toxic gases in their composition

Likewise, another of the elements that must be taken into account when preferring LED bulbs over other types, such as low-consumption ones, is that they do not have toxic gases inside. In the case of energy saving light bulbs, one of the common gases that can be found inside is made from mercury, a metal that is very toxic to humans and animals. In fact, in the event that a low-consumption light bulb should break, the first thing to do is open the windows to ventilate the room and collect the remains, being careful not to breathe right above them. This does not happen with LED bulbs, which is an important element when it comes to protecting our health.

They are the most ecological that currently exist

Due precisely to their lower energy consumption, as well as the absence of heavy metals such as mercury and lead, they constitute the more environmentally friendly option which we can opt for today.

Are LED bulbs more expensive than others?

One of the debates that can arise regarding the use of LED bulbs is about their price. True, LED bulbs are slightly more expensive in comparison than similar traditional or energy-saving bulbs. However, it must be borne in mind that, due to the advantages they have, they are much more recommended to use than their competitors.

Also, from a purely economic perspective, it is true that an LED bulb can be approximately 10% more expensive than a low consumption one. However, taking into account its durability, for each LED bulb that we acquire, we must acquire three low-consumption ones, and around fifteen in the case of traditional bulbs. In this way, although the initial investment is slightly higher, it is money that more than pays for itself thanks to its useful life, so, even in this sense, LED bulbs are the best option that you can choose both at home and at work.

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