Drones, good allies to protect Nature

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The dronesUnmanned aerial vehicles of various sizes and shapes have been used around the world for military and civilian purposes and also as toys. In the environmental field, its possibilities are immense to help preserve the environment or with the aim of restoring it.

Although they can be used to unethical purposes, The truth is that they are very useful to protect the environment in a thousand ways and, from a broader perspective, it can be said that they have great potential to help save the planet.

In Spain, as in the vast majority of countries, its commercial use is forbidden, because it is a very new matter, and there are still many legal problems, in part precisely because of the possibilities that these aerial devices have is beyond doubt. Still, a next regulation is expected.

Environmental monitoring

The use of drones can help preserve the biodiversity helping to locate endangered animal or plant species, identifying their places of reproduction, say, and, in general, they are ideal for providing environmental information of interest on fauna and flora, natural resources and different characteristics of ecosystems.

Likewise, they are effective in monitoring volcanic activity and forest fires. They have tools that provides the technology of Vanguard through electronic equipment that includes a compass, gyroscope, high-resolution cameras, altimeter, sensors, real-time communication system, and can work by remote control or autonomously.

The farming It is one of the sectors in which more uses have been found, including agriculture ecological, allowing you to win in efficiency.

Although the uses are really wide, there are many Applications who seek greater efficiency to achieve precision agriculture that saves resources thanks to better disease management, water use or the need for fertilizers and pesticides in a specific place.

With this, it is possible to make less use of these highly toxic compounds, and the same drones, on the other hand, can apply these pesticides and fertilizers, as well as for cultivation or to remove the weeds.

Allies against deforestation

To this same end, drones make precision forestry possible. Lauren Fletcher's project, an engineer at the Oxford University, and his team intends to design drones that allow massive tree planting to end deforestation.

Likewise, they serve to measure air pollution, monitor forests, detect deforested areas, monitor the coasts and any risk area that may suffer natural or human-caused disasters.

Drones are also very effective at detecting forest fires, determine the focus of the fire and help to extinguish it as soon as possible. Basically, the images captured 24 hours a day are sent to a control center, where constant supervision is carried out in real time.

Allies Against Poaching

Drones are also used to monitor natural reserves often compromised by poachers in order to prevent the attack or to record it to take legal action and also have a deterrent effect.

The drones fly over the different areas and help detect hunters thanks to the cameras they incorporate, capable of taking photos and videos even at night, in addition to being able to detect the location of the animals thanks to tags that they carry, connected to radios that allow drones geoposition them in real time.

Currently, among other uses (the hunters they also use them to detect prey), they are being used to try to stop the terrible slaughter suffered by rhinos and elephants in Africa, specifically in national parks in Namibia.

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