Ecological refrigerators and refrigerators

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Concern for the environment It has become a front-line issue, causing an enormous revolution in the process and development of the business model of companies, as well as a sparkling awareness in favor of and respect for nature.

It is becoming more and more evident to see, how ecology marks new innovative ideas in different products of daily use, the home appliances They are one of the common elements in homes, whose use can waste energy and help worsen the environmental impact.

Eco-friendly appliances

To try to find a solution to energy sustainability in household appliances, the main brands already develop ecological appliances, models that allow energy savings by complying with European sustainability regulations.To identify ecological appliances we must take into account a series of questions:

  • Tag of energy efficiency. A color strip defining the energy efficiency category is easily identifiable: from A to G, the first being the point of highest efficiency and G the lowest. Energy efficiency is closely linked with energy saving, a very important concept in household appliances for continuous use. Later we will see that refrigerators and refrigerators can have a couple of classes higher than A.
  • European ecology label. This label is characterized by its flower-shaped logo. This label ensures that the appliance in question has been developed with special care for the environment. Created in 1992, it is an important part of the European policy for environmental improvement.

One of the home appliances The most polluting and consuming energy are refrigerators and refrigerators, especially American refrigerators, which is why the design of these electrical appliances is being studied with special care.

Refrigerators and refrigerators more respectful with the environment Refrigerators and refrigerators are household appliances that exist, practically, in most homes and it is, without a doubt, the device that consumes the most electricity consumption compared to others. In addition, it remains plugged into the electrical network all the time, except in the process of defrosting and cleaning the refrigerator.

Also, a bad use of the refrigerators has repercussions exponentially at performance of apparatusFor example, allowing ice or frost to accumulate is detrimental to maintaining effective cooling or the place where we place the appliance.

Sustainability at home

Introduce the concept of sustainability in House, directly affects the purchase of appliances with a higher degree of energy efficiency. Both refrigerators and refrigerators are the household appliances that consume the most as they are permanently plugged in the mains; It is convenient to understand the concepts, previously mentioned, energy efficiency and the European ecological label, as they are strongly linked to their ecological quality.

Sustainability and respect for the environment They are reaching the consciousness of the population and therefore life and routines are changing, in favor of a better and more caring world.

Ecological models

For everything, manufacturers from refrigerators Y refrigerators they launch different ecological models, which try to respond to energy efficiency and respect for the environment; Samsung, LG are brands that have developed interesting ecological models. The most interesting characteristics of this type of ecological appliances are the following:

  • Class A + and A ++. For the refrigerators Two new energy efficiency classes have been approved: class A + is for those appliances with a consumption below 42% in relation to the average consumption of an equivalent appliance, class A ++ for those that consume below 30%. The price of the models with these classes are a little more expensive, but with the passage of time it will be possible to observe the saving of energy and money.
  • Goodbye to CFC gases. The refrigerators to generate the cold circuit have used gases that are harmful to the ozone layer (in case of leakage) such as freon, composed of chlorofluorocarbons. The most ecological models replace freon with tetrafluoroethane, a refrigerant gas that respects the environment. This solves the cumbersome issue of possible contamination due to the possible escape of noxious gases.
  • Smart designs. The intelligent design is aimed at facilitating energy savings in the use of refrigerators and refrigerators, for example, the Door in Door (DID) function, an additional door to quickly and easily reach food, keeping it cold and cold. energy by being able to reach these foods without opening all the doors. Intelligent design is one of the most interesting and eye-catching features of these household appliances, with spectacular innovations appearing year after year.

Tips for the proper use of refrigerators and refrigerators

Although a refrigerator or an ecological refrigerator helps to maintain a correct expenditure of energy and takes care of the preservation of the cold, it is also necessary to make a correct use of these appliances in order to perfectly optimize the service of these appliances. Below we are going to list a series of practical and useful tips for the proper use of these devices:

  • Locate the domestic appliance in a ventilated place, avoiding that the rear part is exposed to heat sources.
  • Carry out the process of defrosting once a year, savings of up to 30% can be achieved.
  • Clean the rear part periodically.
  • Open and close the doors quickly and efficiently so as not to lose cold.

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