Advantages of PLUG-IN HYBRID CARS - Discover them!

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Life requires us to move more and more in green every day and bet on a more sustainable and ecological future. For example, the automotive future passes through electrified cars, a reality that is increasingly within our grasp. Automotive technology follows its evolution with respect for the environment and Smart mobility, which is already a reality in transport. Next, in Green Ecologist and with the help of Citroën and its new SUV C5 Aircross Hybrid, we discover the advantages of plug-in hybrid cars or PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), some vehicles that seek to improve the quality of driving, as well as the conservation of the environment. Discover everything that a PHEV car can offer you!

Advantages of plug-in hybrid cars - the main ones

Intelligence, uniqueness, versatility, more sustainability, economy or savings are some of the concepts associated with plug-in hybrid cars. In addition, among the main advantages of plug-in hybrid cars the following stand out:

More efficiency, lower consumption and savings

This is the formula that brings together the advantages of plug-in hybrid cars. Anyone who decides to invest in a plug-in hybrid vehicle is betting on efficiency and environmental maintenance as a result of low consumption and low emissions.

While the initial investment to buy a plug-in hybrid car can be more expensive than other vehicles without this advanced technology in the long run Plug-in hybrid cars are much more economical if, on a day-to-day basis, we make journeys that favor the use of the electric motor. In addition, depending on your place of residence, you can have more tax, use and mobility advantages. The other point to make your trips profitable is consumption. As a reference, the energy expenditure when we drive in 100% electric mode is much lower than diesel or gasoline, consuming € 1 per 100 km approximately, assuming a great price difference compared to traditional cars.

Greater versatility

A plug-in hybrid car offers greater versatility thanks to your versatility of use using each of the two technologies depending on each situation. Therefore, you can adjust the consumption of one type or another according to the need you have. These cars are ideal to use their electric motor or battery in areas such as cities and for short distances, being able to change to the heat engine for long trips. Thus, plug-in hybrid cars offer us a more versatile option for intercity routes with your heat engine (also adapted to strict emission regulations), as well as the possibility of taking advantage of the electric motor to circulate in zero emission mode in areas with the largest population, such as urban centers.

Apart from the comfort of versatility, when driving on battery no noise or vibrations are noticeable. Another great advantage of these cars, which can be noticed while driving and which provides great comfort, is that the change of the type of motor used is automatic, depending on the battery charge level. Of course, the driver can also change it on his own.

Less CO2 emissions

If for something the plug-in hybrid vehicles or PHEVs It is due to its double motor, since they have an electric battery and a thermal motor. This combination allows these vehicles to be more respectful with the environment, by significantly reducing polluting emissions.

Therefore, if you need a car to move more independently but at the same time you want to help reduce emissions, PHEVs or plug-in hybrids that combine the electric battery with a heat engine can be a great choice.

Less noise pollution

Although we always talk about the emission of gases, it is important to note that plug-in hybrid cars or PHEVs can also contribute to improving noise pollution every time we use the electric motor. Efforts in comfort have resulted in an increasingly silent interior.

In short, they are designed to improve the quality of life in large cities and other urban areas.

Label ZERO: access to city centers and tax advantages of plug-in hybrid cars

Currently, there is more restriction of movement in some areas to lower pollution levels, especially when there is an alert for high levels according to the anti-pollution protocol in the city centers, which are the busiest areas. What plug-in hybrid cars are rated ZERO label or Environmental 0 Blue labelThey are one of the vehicles that can continue to access these crowded areas because they are cleaner.

Also, PHEVs have more tax advantages with which to save money and that are indicated by their label rating ZERO. For example, it is easier to obtain discounts on tolls, more affordable insurance and advantages in parking areas, among other aspects.

Citroën's new plug-in hybrid car: C5 Aircross Hybrid SUV

Citroën is one of the brands most committed to efficiency and sustainability. For this reason, it has launched its technological flagship, the new C5 Aircross Hybrid SUV, the Ë-Comfort Class SUV. With this launch, Citroën is committed to laying the first stone to ensure that by 2025 the entire range offering is 100% electrified, a sign of the brand's commitment to responsible energy transition.

But how is this new C5 Aircross Hybrid SUV presented? This new electrified or plug-in hybrid vehicle offers you a total experience of comfort, with all the appeal of a unique, modern and high-tech SUV that undoubtedly goes one step further within the Citroën Advanced Comfort program. This car symbolizes the highly versatile offer for those who want to take advantage of the best of these two energies: the advantages of the 100% electric ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicle) mode for short distances (an average of 50 km of autonomy) and the thermal engine over long distances.

The C5 Aircross Hybrid SUV offers you a great versatility of use thanks to the extended mobility. You will drive with great pleasure in electric mode, with a 50 km range on average, with which you can adapt your daily journeys reducing stress and freely accessing restricted urban areas by the anti-pollution protocol. In case of traveling long distances, the thermal mode will be activated to improve savings. No annoying noises, no vibrations, with all the comfort and fluidity of an electric hybrid, that's what a bumpy ride will be like in the C5 Aircross Hybrid SUV.

The new C5 Aircross Hybrid SUV is Citroën's first plug-in hybrid model and from its launch it is expected that all the new models launched by the brand will have an electricity supply. This new Citroën SUV meets the expectations of all those who are committed to smart mobility through green, sustainable and electrified driving.

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