ENDANGERED TIGERS - Everything you need to know

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The tiger is a wild animal and is the largest feline in the world, capable of reaching 300 kg in weight. The activity of the human being is destroying its species, currently it is estimated that there are 3,200 tigers left in the wild around the world, something that places them on the brink of extinction. Meanwhile, in captivity the population has also decreased according to the latest data published by WWF (World Wildlife Fund). If the hunting continues, the tiger will disappear in 15 or 20 years, that's why in the following Green Ecologist article we want to talk to you about the endangered tigers.

Characteristics of the tiger and its habitat

Before I start talking about endangered tigers, we consider that it is convenient to learn a little about the main features of this animal and its habitat to better understand its situation. Take note of this information about the tiger to get to know it better:

Main characteristics of tigers

  • Scientific name: Panthera tigris
  • Weight: between 100 and 300 kg.
  • Size: between 2.5 and 4 meters long for males and between 2 and 3 meters for females. It has an average height of between 70 and 120 cm at the height of the withers.
  • They live an average of 15 years.
  • They reach adulthood at 3 or 5 years.
  • The gestation period is 4 months.
  • They usually have litters of 2 or 3 puppies at a time.
  • They are totally carnivorous and eat up to 6 kg of meat daily.
  • As adults they are solitary animals.
  • Each tiger has a unique striped pattern, so it is like its identity mark.
  • These unique stripes allow them to have great camouflage.
  • Contrary to what some myths say, they do like to get in the water and are, in fact, very good swimmers.

Where the tiger lives - its habitat

Tigers mainly inhabit Asia, especially in India, China and Russia. Tigers can live in different terrestrial habitats. For example, these felines can naturally inhabit:

  • Tropical forests.
  • Rainforests.
  • Temperate forests.
  • Mangroves
  • Bed sheets.
  • Pastures
  • High mountains, even snow capped.

Causes of the danger of extinction of tigers

The main threats affecting the tiger population is deforestation and as always, the human himself. Unfortunately, illegal hunting It has caused the tiger to be in danger of extinction and some subspecies have already disappeared forever from the face of the Earth. In some countries tiger skin It is a big business on the black market, especially in China, which is why they are so sought after and hunted even if it is illegal.

Thus, the main causes of the endangered tiger are:

  • Poaching.
  • The destruction of their natural habitat.
  • The decline of their prey by man.

According to the foundation Save the tiger, a powdered or powdered tiger bone can be worth around 65 euros on the black market, while striped skins are sold in Tibet and Russia for more than 60,000 euros. By denouncing these facts and sharing, we will help in the fight against the illegal trafficking of species before it is too late.

Where are tigers in danger of extinction?

Most of the tigers in danger of disappearing they live in the Asian continentIn fact, these cats, which are some of the largest in the world, are national animals in India and Bangladesh. Also, not all tigers are the same, they exist 6 subspecies of this mammal: the Bengal, the Indochina, the Malay, the Siberian, the Sumatra, the Amur and the southern China; they all live in Asia.

Even if tigers are from asiaOf course, today tigers can also be found all over the world, because humans have made them captive for zoos and other activities designed for human benefit. However, today there are also them in protected places, some with more space to be free than others, but always guarded by caretakers and scientists. Currently there more tigers living in captivity than in the wild Worldwide.

What is the tiger that is in greater danger of extinction

Of all these subspecies of tigers, the one that is most in danger of becoming extinct is the bengal tiger or Panthera tigris tigris It inhabits dense forests of vegetation where it feeds on mammals of small or medium size than by itself.

In general, they are solitary and territorial animals, but of great size that can measure up to more than 4 meters long (including the tail) and weigh up to 390 kilos, in the case of males in the wild. For their part, the females are smaller weighing about 180 kilos.

How to prevent tigers from becoming extinct

In order to help the tigers and prevent them from becoming extinct, you have to get more protection for tigers from all over the world, starting with those in Bengal because they are the ones with the most serious situation, but extending it to all subspecies that have a minimum risk.

On a personal level we can do some actions to help the tigers recover:

  • Help stop the illegal traffic of animals and products extracted from them (hides, teeth, bones, etc.), not participating in the black market and reporting any case that we know of.
  • Support economically and as volunteers the non-profit associations that fight for the conservation of the tiger.
  • Encourage the use of artificial intelligence to protect threatened species.
  • Pressure the political and legal powers to act and modify laws to improve this situation.
  • It helps to educate people, especially the youngest, about this problem.
  • Buy products certified by the governments of each country, to be sure that they do not contain elements from the illegal market that uses animals, such as tigers, monkeys, elephants, etc.

If you want to read more articles similar to Endangered tigersWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

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