CARE of CLIVIAS - Practical Gardening Guide

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The clivia is a plant as beautiful as it is easy to care for, very popular for its striking flowering, which it produces only once a year in spring, and which is of warm and very showy colors.

If you want to enjoy in your own home or garden the company of this plant so seen in homes around the world because of its colorful flowers, join us in this Green Ecologist article in which we teach you what are the care of the clivias with this handy gardening guide.

Characteristics of the clivias

These are the main characteristics of clivia plants:

  • Clivias are a genus of plants that have their origin in South Africa.
  • These are evergreen and non-woody plants that grow from bulbs.
  • Its leaves are of an intense dark green, long and quite narrow, that grow directly from the roots, without forming a visible stem.
  • Its flowers are of warm tones. They usually have the orange flowers, although there are species that have them yellow, white or red. They are tubular in shape, small in size but are associated in inflorescences that are born from a single, fairly long stem.
  • Clivia has the ability to constantly produce a large number of suckers, which can be used for their reproduction or left to provide more density to the plant.
  • These plants reach heights of approximately 50 cm.

Clive care - practical guide

As a summary, we can indicate these aspects to take into account for caring for a clivia plant:

  • Light: clivia supports very different environments in this regard.
  • Temperature: It has a temperate climate, tending to warm.
  • Irrigation: It is not very demanding with the risks, thanking them spaced.
  • Subscriber: monthly in warm months, quarterly in cold months.

Clivia location

Clivia appreciates being in a location with lots of light, although it is better to avoid the sun shining directly on it, especially in areas with high intensity sun. Exposing these plants to direct sunlight can end up burning their leaves, causing yellowish or brown marks to appear on them. If you see them, move your clivia to a more guarded location.

But nevertheless, between autumn and winter it is necessary for the plant to spend at least two months at a temperature of below 10 ºC, or it won't flower the following spring.

How to water clivias

As we have said before, this plant is not very demanding in terms of its watering. In fact, it tolerates excess humidity very poorly, as is the case with many bulbs. In the warm months, especially in spring, give it moderate watering that they keep their soil or substrate always slightly humid, but never waterlogged. If the pot has a plate under it, remove the excess water from the irrigation about 10 minutes after watering, to allow the roots to breathe.

In winter, on the other hand, it is important to water only just enough, giving the plant minimal humidity. In fact, there are those who advise against watering it at all during two months of hibernation.


Like most plants, clivias appreciate the contribution of fertilizer especially during their months of flowering, due to the greater activity they have. Uses ecological organic compost, such as worm castings, compost, or bokashi. These fertilizers provide the plant with a large number of benefits, without synthetic chemicals and for very little money.

If you doubt which one to decide on, worm humus is a choice that very rarely fails, and it is one of the most complete organic fertilizers that exist. Give your clivia a contribution of it once a month and space it to once every three months in the cold season.

Soil, substrate and transplant of clivias

Despite the enormous expansion capacity of its roots, clivias do not need to be transplanted every year. With transplant clivias once every two years, the plant will be healthy and will flower properly. Don't worry if you see the roots pile up a bit earlier, once every two years is fine. Start with a pot about 8 inches in diameter, and build from there. In this other post you can learn when and how to transplant a plant.

The substrate must offer a good drainage, so coarse sand or coconut fiber are very good options. Here you can learn everything about coconut fiber for plants, its properties and how to make it.

Other care of the clivias

The clivia does not need any type of pruning. Instead, you should be on the lookout for remove the dry leaves or damaged, as well as clean them of dust from time to time with a damp cloth with just water, returning the bright green color and cleaner surface so that they can perform better photosynthesis.

If you want to read more articles similar to Clivia care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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