Caring for the air carnation

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The call air carnation is an epiphytic plant that is officially called Tillandsia Aeranthos which originates from South America but can be grown anywhere in the world under the right conditions. The stem can reach 60 centimeters in height, and is covered with many leaves that are arranged in several rows.

The leaves have small grayish scales, they are elongated, triangular in shape and hug the stem, which leaves a very beautiful set. The flowers are also small and can be purple or dark blue in color, and bloom during the summer. In Green Ecologist, we show what are the cares of the carnation of the air.

The most important air carnation care

  • Location: They can be both indoors and outdoors. In the second case, if the weather is hot and humid, it will develop perfectly and it will be beautiful.
  • Illumination: It needs to be in a very bright area, to be preferable in full sun as this will reach its maximum splendor.
  • Temperature: The only requirement it has in this regard is that it does not tolerate frost, so you must be very careful with low temperatures. If you have it outside and it is cold at night, put it inside so it does not suffer.
  • Humidity: they need to receive environmental humidity, and when it is very hot it is advisable to spray the leaves once a week.
  • Plagues and diseases: It is a very resistant plant to both one thing and the other, so if you do not mislead the care you will not have problems in this regard.
  • Multiplication: When you want to do it, it must be during the spring and from cuttings, separating the young branches.

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