CARE of the DALIAS - Practical Guide

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Dahlias, which are actually a whole genus of plants in the Asteraceae family, are flowers that have been tremendously appreciated and valued for their beauty practically since their discovery in ancient New Spain. Currently it is the flower symbol of Mexico, and is deeply linked to its tradition, history and culture, as demonstrated by the constitution of the Mexican Association of the Dahlia more than a decade ago.

If you want to enjoy these beautiful flowers in your home and are looking to learn the Dahlia careJoin us in this practical guide from Green Ecologist and discover that it is not complicated.

Characteristics of dahlias or dahlias

The dahlias or dahlias They are bulbous plants native to Mexico, which can be grown both indoors and outdoors. They reach heights of up to a meter, but the smallest species are about 30 centimeters tall. However, it cannot be denied that the most striking thing about these plants is always their flower, which they produce with the arrival of summer and keep until the last months of autumn. The dahlias flowers They are very large, with intense and very showy colors and in a large number of tones, usually warm, but whites and violets are also possible. If the weather is very warm, it is possible that the dahlia will give its flower after the summer, when the temperature is warmer and more pleasant for it, that is, already in autumn.

If you like these types of plants, we recommend these other Green Ecologist articles about 15 bulb plants and about +15 autumn plants for the garden.

Dahlia care - a basic guide

In summary, these are the general care of dahlias or dahlias:

  • Light - Dahlias require a good amount of light.
  • Watering: abundant and frequent, especially in hot climates or days.
  • Compost: they require a specific or organic home fertilizer.

Light and location

These plants require a very bright location to develop properly, especially if we want to enjoy its beautiful flowers. Place the dahlia in a spot in the garden where it gets a lot of light, or next to a window or light spot if you have it indoors. Only if the sun in your area is very intense should you place these flowers in semi-shadow areas or, at least, where they are protected from the hours of the most intense and dangerous influx, which are usually midday.

In addition, the wind can do a lot of damage to your dahlias, so it is necessary to find a place as sheltered as possible in this regard. If you can't fully protect them from him, training them would be a very good idea.


Although they are from mild weather and withstand the heat well as long as the direct sun does not give them many hours in a row, these plants are capable of withstanding enough temperaturese low and mild frosts down to -5ºC. However, if the plants outdoors and where you live the frosts are common, it is convenient to help them through the winter with some help. Provides a thick vegetative mantle on its base and its bulbs, or remove the bulbs if the temperatures are really low. You can always store them somewhere protected and dry to re-plant them when the frosts pass.

Soil and compost for dahlias

These plants appreciate being in enriched lands with a good amount of organic matter. As always, we recommend using organic and ecological fertilizers, such as vermicompost, compost, and bokashi. All of them are very rich fertilizers that will allow you to keep your plants free of synthetic chemicals.

When preparing it, remove the soil or substrate before planting so that it is well loose and with a drainage as optimal as possible, and enrich it with a generous amount of one of the aforementioned fertilizers. Renew the fertilizer every winter, and make a small contribution once a month in the warm months. After planting the dahlias, firm the soil well over the bulb and water.

In these practical gardening guides from Ecologista Verde you can learn how to prepare the different types of fertilizers that we have mentioned to you:

  • How to make worm castings.
  • Bokashi or Bocashi compost: what is it and how to make it.
  • How to make organic compost for plants.

Watering the dahlias

This plant is quite resistant to heat, but if we water it frequently and abundantly in the days and seasons with higher temperatures, it will greatly appreciate it. Always water on the ground, trying not to wet its leaves or flowers to avoid problems with excess humidity. Water dahlias frequently in hot seasonsBut remember that bulbs do not tolerate waterlogging or excess humidity, so it is better to water more often but in less quantity to avoid waterlogging.

Learn more about watering plants with this other guide on When to Water Plants.

Plagues and diseases

These plants are not especially susceptible to attack by any pests or diseases. At most, it is possible that snails and slugs come to feed on them, for which you have a large number of home and ecological remedies at hand, such as leaving a plate or bowl with beer. Here you can discover How to prevent slugs and snails on plants and get rid of them naturally.

In addition, both so that you use them from time to time in a preventive way and that you apply them as a treatment if necessary, we advise you to know these homemade fungicides and How to make natural insecticides for plants.

If you want to read more articles similar to Dahlia care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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