HIBISCUS or HIBISCUS care - Practical Guide

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Hibiscus are a whole genus of the Malvaceae family with about 150 species. They are tropical plants, highly valued for the vivid colors of their five-petal flowers, ranging from white to purple, orange, yellow and pink. In addition, it is very common to take the infusion of hibiscus flowers, also called Jamaica flower or Chinese rose, due to the beneficial properties it has.

If you want to learn how to properly care for them at home, keep reading us in this Green Ecologist article in which we offer a practical guide to caring for hibiscus or hibiscus.

Hibiscus or hibiscus care - basic guide

Follow this practical guide to caring for hibiscus at home and you will see that the plant grows and blooms without problems.


As a tropical plant, the hibiscus prefers warm climates, with temperatures that remain approximately between 14 ºC and 18 ºC. It is important to keep it protected from winter cold and frost, or the shrub may not survive them. As far as light is concerned, this plant prefers a well-lit place, which receives sunlight for the first half of the day, but safe from the direct incidence of the noon sun.

Watering the hibiscus

In the flowering season, during the summer, the hibiscus requires abundant waterings that keep the soil or substrate moist. However, this does not mean that you should allow it to puddle, as this would endanger the health of the plant. For this reason, it is important that the hibiscus soil has a very good drainage. If you have your hibiscus in an indoor pot, gently spray water around the leaves to replicate high humidity.

In winter, the plant needs very little water. Just water it a little when you notice very dry soil or substrate.

Hibiscus fertilizer

It is good to apply fertilizer to this plant when spring arrives, and maintain the contribution every 15 days throughout its flowering season. Here you can learn what are fertilizers and their types.

In this way you will help the hibiscus to keep its flowers in good condition and to produce new ones. The hibiscus flower, also called cucardas flowers In some countries, they will dress your garden with their large, brightly colored blooms.

Hibiscus: pruning

Pruning the hibiscus plant should be done in spring. Trim the shoots from the previous season to keep the shrub in its desired shape, and be sure to remove any dry or damaged branches. Keep in mind that this shrub can reach 5 meters in height.

Hibiscus: reproduction

Hibiscus can be easily propagated by cuttings. To do this, it is convenient to cut the hibiscus cutting, help it with rooting hormone and have it submerged in water for about 2 months, until it develops roots and they take on a slightly tanned color. It is important that you change the water every week, and that you add a drop of hydrogen peroxide each time.

One of the most common is the hibiscus with red flowers, if you like these, then we recommend this other article about 15 plants with red flowers.

Hibiscus: winter care

The most important thing in this regard is the temperature for hibiscus in winter. If you live in an area where there is frost and the temperature falls below 0 ºC, you should not keep your hibiscus outdoors. Transplant it into a pot before frost hits to keep it at a suitable temperature indoors.

Also, winters are very dry in some climates. You can help remedy this by putting the pot in a location as warm as possible, and where get sunlight. Spray water around the plant to add moisture and cover it with a thin plastic to hold it in.

What is hibiscus for - properties and benefits

In Asia Minor and South America it is very common to take hibiscus flower infusions as a way to fight thirst and heat. However, not only does it bring us this, but the various properties and benefits of taking hibiscus:

  • Hibiscus tea is a great supplement as a vitamin supply, therefore it is a valuable ally when it comes to fighting fatigue, mild anemic states and lack of appetite.
  • In addition, it also has digestive effects, which is why it is very useful to alleviate fillings, heavy digestions or abdominal pain, helping to make digestions lighter. For this reason, it is also useful when fighting heartburn or gastroenteritis.
  • It can also help to solve occasional constipation, although it is recommended to take it in support of other plants with these properties.
  • In addition, it helps the correct development of liver functions, being very beneficial after cases of food allergies.
  • It is a great aid and cleanser, which also helps against hypertension.
  • Finally, it is also a mild relaxant, and a very beneficial venous tonic in the treatment of varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

If you want to read more articles similar to Hibiscus or hibiscus care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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