CULANTRILLO CARE - Practical Guide

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The maidenhair fern is a popular houseplant that receives a large number of names for different areas of the world. Some of them are Venus hair plant, culandrillo, pit maidenhair, capilera, brenca, fountains grass or spider, although its scientific name is Adiantum capillus veneris.

If you want to learn more about this fern, very popular as an ornamental plant, join us in this article by Ecologist Verde on the maidenhair care, as you will find a very useful practical guide to keep this plant in good condition in your home.

Maidenhair characteristics

It is a native species both in western and southern Europe as well as in tropical America, where we can find it frequently attached to walls or cave walls, as well as next to streams, in usually semi-shady and humid areas.

Another of the maidenhair characteristics is that, usually, it does not exceed 40 cm high, being the common thing that it is kept smaller than this, one of the reasons why it is highly appreciated as a houseplant.

Climate, light and location of the maidenhair

This fern receives its popular name from grass from the sources because of its natural disposition to be found near these and streams. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that it is a plant that needs a somewhat cool climate, abundant moisture and be protected from direct sunlight.

Thus, the maidenhair has its ideal temperature around between 15 ºC and 20 ºC, although it can endure minimum temperatures of up to 5 ºC and even occasional slight frosts.

Although it tends to be used as a houseplant, the truth is that Venus hair can be planted outdoors without any problem, as long as we find one for it. location protected from direct sun, although it is important to bear in mind that its roots spread very easily, expanding the plant a lot. Indoors, it will be enough to place the pot in a bright room but away from windows and other light sources, or by covering these with curtains that screen it to protect the fern.

Watering the maidenhair

If protecting it from direct light is one of the bases of caring for this plant, keeping the environment humid for it is undoubtedly the other. Maidenhair needs constant humidity, so it is necessary to water the substrate very often to keep it continuously moist.

Because of this, there are many who recommend the capillary irrigation, which consists of immersing the pot in water, if possible warm, so that the soil absorbs all the moisture it needs. Of course, in these cases it is vital that the pot has drainage holes, or the accumulated water could cause root rot or plant suffocation problems.

It is also necessary spray its leaves regularly so that the environment remains humid around it. In fact, it is very common to place maidenhairs in bright bathrooms, since the humidity from daily showers helps keep the plant in an optimal state, and it is that frequent small splashes are very beneficial.

Substrate and compost for the maidenhair

This plant appreciates having a light substrate rich in organic matter, that keep the humidity well. You can prepare your own mixture by combining a part of peat, a part of coconut fiber and a part of worm castings, to which you must then add a handful of vermiculite and perlite to improve its water retention capacity. In this way, you will have a substrate that is very rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, as well as light, with good drainage and at the same time good moisture retention capacity.

As for the compost, during the warm months it is grateful for a contribution of common compost or organic matter in the form of worm castings every 15 days, which will help it to stay strong and green.

Dried leaves on maidenhair

If you maidenhair has brown leaves it is most likely due to the plant receiving a excess light, especially if it happens during the warm months. Venus hair does not tolerate direct sunlight, so you will need to place it in a more protected place or cover the window or light source with a curtain to mitigate it.

It may also be due to a lack of irrigation. The process of how to recover a dried maidenhair Go through the irrigation method mentioned above: soak the pot in warm water for five minutes, and then place it in a place with a mild temperature. In not many weeks it should start to sprout again.

On the other hand, if the wilting of the leaves appears during the winter, it is probably due to the fact that the substrate or the soil does not offer enough drainage and the plant suffers from excess moisture. If this happens, remove the root ball from the pot and wrap its roots in absorbent paper. Prune unsightly areas, replant it in a new substrate, or with a part of the old one and a new addition, and stop watering and spraying for a season.

If you want to read more articles similar to Maidenhair care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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