Plants that purify the air we breathe

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Many plants can help us reduce pollution inside homes and thus purify the air we breathe, in addition to decorating our houses. We can combat harmful particles that live with us in our bedrooms and living rooms, on floors, rugs and carpets.

Green plants inside the home help combat toxic gases accumulated by chemicals such as acetone, formaldehyde, building materials, and many others.

Plants that purify

With the process of photosynthesis leaves absorb the C02 and various pollutants in the atmosphere so it is effective to have plants in all rooms of the house.

Inside the houses pollutants can be found in different amounts depending on whether the houses are more or less ventilated, so it is highly advisable to ventilate for at least two minutes a day.

Among the substances that we can find are:

  • Trichlorethylene: In degreasing products.
  • Benzene: In paint thinners and detergents, it is highly carcinogenic.
  • Formaldehyde: In cigarette and paint fumes, it is also very carcinogenic.
  • Ammonia: In degreasers, floor cleaning products, clothing and kitchen.

To avoid all these polluting agents, we should use ecological cleaning products that are much cheaper and do not harm our health, or use plants that help us avoid the negative effects of these and many other substances.

Some are currently known to remove various substances, including:

  • Yedra: Needs little light and is very effective against benzene
  • Dwarf palm: It also likes little light and needs humidity, it acts against ammonia, formaldehyde and xylene.

More plants that purify the air

Likewise the ficus, chrysanthemums, azaleas, aloe vera, dracena, areca… All these plants improve the quality of the air in the houses.

You also have to avoid the use of aerosols that harm the environment.

In several studies that have been carried out it has been discovered that the plants adopted in the tradition with functions of decorating homes help fight and eliminate pollution of the air ridding you of many serious diseases and disorders as they help maintain cleaner air.

If you want to read more articles similar to Plants that purify the air we breatheWe recommend that you enter our Indoor Plants category.

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