20+ types of LARGE INDOOR PLANTS - Names, photos and tips for caring for them

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Although there is no official or orthodox measure to talk about large indoor plants compared to small ones, it can be considered that all those that exceed approximately one meter in height will fall into this category. Large indoor plants are decorative elements that will bring great freshness to the house and that, in addition, will also help us purify the air inside the buildings. However, it must be borne in mind that not all types of large houseplants They will be the same, as well as the specific needs and advantages that each one of them have. If you want to go a little deeper into the subject, keep reading Green Ecologist and we will tell you about it.

What are the differences between large and small indoor plants

The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to caring for large vs. small indoor plants is that large plants will need more space to develop properly. This is logical. However, this space is not limited only to having a larger pot, which will mean that it is heavier and that it costs more to move it if you want to change the site of the plant. But it will also need more air space around it.

In this sense, regardless of the type of plant in question, it will be recommended that the leaves and branches of the plant are not in contact with any other element of the house, be it the wall, the window, the curtains, etc. Many plants of this type are affected by contact with objects in the house and, consequently, their leaves tend to turn yellow and brown at the tips. This does not happen with small plants since, thanks to their size, their leaves do not expand as much.

Tips for having large indoor plants

These are the aspects that must be taken into account when caring for large indoor plants:

  • Due to the size of their pot, they will have greater ease when it comes to retaining water, although they will also have greater needs than small plants. In this way, it is important to water them frequently but, at the same time, it is equally important to prevent the plate under the pot from becoming waterlogged or retaining too much water. In this sense, the most advisable thing will always be to carry out the recommended irrigations for each type of plant when the upper part of the earth is appreciated a little dry, but without going over or falling short of the water.
  • As the pot will be considerably larger than those of small plants, and consequently also heavier, it is recommended to place the pot on a structure with wheels resistant. In this way, even if the plant is not going to move too much, it can be easily moved when necessary, which will mean a considerable element of comfort.
  • Likewise, it will be necessary to take into account the natural light needs of each type of tall and large indoor plants and adapt their location to this need.
  • Find out well about everything possible in the nursery or garden store before purchasing a large plant for your home.

Examples of large indoor plants

The types of large indoor plants that we can find in a nursery are quite varied. However, in all cases, we must take into account their particular needs and, despite their size, not neglect their care, which is usually one of the most common mistakes when caring for these types of plants. Some of the names of large houseplants that we can have inside the house are the following:

  • Norfolk Pine.
  • The Ficus Benjamina
  • Ficus Ginseng
  • Ficus Lyrata
  • The Ficus Elastica
  • Ficus Microcarpa
  • The Ficus Pumila
  • The kentia palm tree.
  • The jade plant.
  • Cassava.
  • The philodendron.
  • The Polyscias.
  • The crotos or croton.
  • The japonica fatsia.
  • The chef.
  • The desert rose.
  • The bird of the prairie plant.
  • The dracena.
  • The rib of Adam or Monstera.
  • The bamboo.
  • The nolina or elephant foot.

Next, we will see in more detail some of these plants and their care.

Norfolk pine

In nature it can reach more than 60 meters, although indoors it does not usually exceed 2 meters. As can be expected, this is also influenced by the size of the pot in which it is placed. It is a plant that needs a lot of light, although it is sensitive to drafts. Therefore, it is best to place it near a window with good lighting but not usually open.


The ficus It is a fairly common indoor plant due to its shape and aesthetics. However, it must be taken into account that it is one of the large houseplants more delicate than we can find. Therefore, it is recommended that you pay attention to it on an ongoing basis. It is advisable to pay it in autumn, as well as to carry out the necessary pruning both in spring and autumn.

Here you can discover +35 types of ficus.


The kentia palm tree it adapts very well to interior spaces. In addition, since it prefers environments with indirect light, it is one of the large indoor plants that are best suited to closed spaces. It needs a moist soil, especially in summer, although, in winter with heating it will also be necessary to make sure that it has enough water and that the earth does not dry out completely.

In this other article you can learn about the care of the kentia palm tree.

Jade plant or tree

The jade plant or tree It is one of the most beautiful indoor plants and that best adapts to any environment. If we place it in a small pot it will be a small plant, and if we put it in a large pot it will grow whatever the pot itself gives. It requires little care and adapts well to almost any environment, although it prefers bright places but with indirect light. It is a slow growing succulent plant, but that will help purify the air in an exceptional way.

Discover in this guide and in this video the Care of the jade plant.


This is another of the best known indoor plant names. Cassava is one of the plants that are best adapted to any environment, whether it is an indoor or outdoor space.

This is one of the elongated green leaf plants It needs a lot of light and is very sensitive to excessively humid soils. For this reason, it is important to let the soil dry enough before watering it and, above all, to prevent the plate under the pot from getting waterlogged.

Now that you have met all these great indoor plants, if you want to discover which are the most resistant indoor plants, we encourage you to take a look at these other resistant indoor plants and these 25+ indoor plants that need little light.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of large houseplantsWe recommend that you enter our Indoor Plants category.

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