GERBERA PLANT: Care and Meaning

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This spectacular indoor plant is a favorite with lovers of gardening and interior design. The gerbera flowers, a plant native to Africa, are large and very striking, so it is normal to find them being part of both floral centers and the wedding bouquets of the most daring brides.

In this Green Ecologist article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about this plant so that you can get the best results to decorate your home. In addition, we have included a section where you can learn about the different meanings that this flower offers according to its coloration. So if you like showy flowers, then read on and discover the Gerbera plant care and its meaning, both general and according to the color of its flowers.

Gerbera plant characteristics

This plant from the African continent belongs to the Asteraceae family and has more than 150 varieties. Its ornamental value has made it one of the species most requested by florists and designers, becoming one of the main demands for cut flowers.

One of the main characteristics of the gerbera plant It is its root, from which rhizomes that can measure more than a meter in depth are detached. In addition, its leaves are large and dense. In the same way, its stems are elongated and of an intense green color. As for its flowers, which can measure more than 18 cm, they take a wide variety of colors from warm, such as red or orange, to cooler tones, such as purple and even white.

Its long flowering time ranges from early spring to autumn. In fact, its flowers can last several weeks, hence it is so valued as an ornamental flower.

Gerbera plant: care

After knowing its characteristics, take note of these points that are the basic care of a gerbera plant:

Light and temperature

The gerbera prefers bright areas, but without receiving direct sunlight. Although it prefers ventilated places, it can withstand high temperatures well. However, it is better to protect them from frost. All this makes it a perfect indoor plant. In case of growing them outdoors, it will require constant supervision so that it does not suffer from thermal changes. It is recommended to sow it under the shade of a tree or shrub, as they are naturally arranged.

Irrigation and humidity

It prefers humid environments as well as the soil. It is recommended above all that it has a constant watering, not abundant, during its flowering season. Avoid, as far as possible, causing waterlogging both in the flowerbed where it is planted, as well as in a pot.

Transplant and soil

This plant needs light soils rich in organic matter. Due to the ease with which the roots can rot, it is better that the soil is not too compacted to facilitate drainage. It is recommended to transplant it in spring.

Fertilizer for the gerbera plant

During its growth and flowering it is good to fertilize it with liquid fertilizer diluted in water for approximately 15 days. Using fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus favors flowering.

Here we explain how to make homemade organic compost for plants.

Gerbera pruning

This plant does not require pruning, only a cleaning of dry parts and in poor condition. To make these cuts be sure to use previously disinfected pruning tools as it is a plant prone to fungal attacks.

Gerbera plant: general meaning and color

In the language of flowers, gerberas mean joy and they refer to moments in life such as childhood or the discovery of love. Therefore, gerberas are a flower that is given to attract good energies before changes in life. It is natural to give them to pregnant women, future girlfriends or even for minor changes such as changing homes.

Depending on the coloring of their petals, gerberas can also refer to much more specific meanings. These are some of the meanings of the gerbera plant according to the color of its flower:

  • White gerberas: they signify innocence and purity. They are the color chosen to give to pregnant women or those who hope for a positive change in their lives. If you like flowers of this color, we recommend this other Green Ecologist article about 10 white garden flowers.
  • Yellow gerberas: Related to the color of the sun, these gerberas symbolize quality and kindness. Some also attribute the meaning of success and wealth to it. They are used both to decorate workplaces and as a gif.webpt to a friend who is truly appreciated.
  • Orange gerberas: These are related to laughter and euphoria. They are usually given to both friends and newly-married couples to wish them unique and happy moments.
  • Red gerberas: These refer to the most passionate feelings such as love and trust in the partner. They are also a symbol of victory in the face of problems. Discover more Plants with red flowers here.
  • Pink gerberas: they are linked to youth and physical vigor. Related as times of the year such as spring, they are usually given as gif.webpts to show affection and admiration.
  • Blue gerberas: These indicate fullness and inner peace. They are used to attract peace and relax tension or stress. It is also given away to encourage creativity and imagination.
  • Purple gerberas: Related are faith and devotion are often deposited in places such as churches and shrines. They symbolize modesty, humility and generosity.

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