How to make VERTICAL GARDENS at home - Step by Step

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Every day more botany fans dare to make their own vertical garden at home.

If you have never seen one of these peculiar ways of having plants, it is about vertical structures in which different species are planted. They are very useful to beautify walls or walls, as well as for those who do not have space in their home to have plants in another way. In this Green Ecologist article we are going to teach you how to make vertical gardens at home.

How to make a vertical garden step by step

There are many ways to set up one of these green spaces depending on the structure that is most suitable for each occasion. To mount a indoor vertical garden, here we are going to opt for the frame structure. We have chosen this type of vertical garden because it can be done by recycling old materials, which is always more ecological, and because it is also small in size and will combine with the decoration of practically any home. Let's see what steps to follow to make a vertical garden step by step at home:

  1. Prepare the materials you will need. In this case, you need a frame with a good background, as well as four slats with which to give even greater depth to the inner contour of the frame, a metal mesh of the same size, which will act as a surface to which the plants will be attached, and a thin wooden plank the same size as the grate. In addition to all this, you will also need substrate for the plants.
  2. Place the four wooden slats in the part of the frame that would be attached to the wall, so that they give it a few inches more depth. This is the space in which the substrate will go, hence the need to give it a certain background.
  3. Now place the grid where the glass would normally be on the frame. You can attach it to the wood with glue or staples.
  4. Place the plank of wood in the frame created by the slats, so that it will be the background of your vertical garden. Fix it again with glue or nails, keeping in mind that it will have to support the weight of the substrate and the plants. With this step, the vertical garden structure is finished. You can give the wood a coat of varnish to reinforce its durability.
  5. Introduce the substrate through the metal grid, and do the same with the plants. It will be easier to start your vertical garden if you place cuttings or other already germinated plants on the same.
  6. Place stones, moss or any other decorative element that acts as a fixative in the holes and empty areas, or the earth will end up coming out there. Water it afterward to moisten the soil, and wait at least 48 hours before hanging it to give the plants time to set properly. When you water it, it is best to spray the water over the garden.

How to make a vertical garden with pallets

If what you want is a outdoor vertical garden, the structure with pallets is one of the best options. It is also ecofriendly, and you can recycle any pallet that tends to be left over in industrial estates and work areas, which you can easily give us when you ask for them; however, they can also be purchased. The elaboration is very simple, follow these steps to make a vertical garden with pallets:

  1. Cover the back of the pallet with garden tarp, as well as three sides. Make sure you close it tightly at the corners or you will lose substrate through them.
  2. Lay the pallet on the ground, with the canvas facing down, and fill it with the soil or substrate. As you do this, place the plants in the gaps between the slats of the pallet. The closer they are to each other, the less they will suffer from its verticality when you lift it.
  3. Add more soil to make sure the plants are well set, and still in a horizontal position, water it to moisten the soil and allow the plants to gather strength. After about ten or fifteen days, you can lift the pallet vertically, leaving the side without canvas up, which you can use to irrigate the soil. If you support it against a wall or wall so that it is not completely vertical, the plants will suffer less.

If you like to reuse materials, do not hesitate to learn more ways to decorate the garden with wooden pallets.

The best plants for vertical gardens

Now that you know how to make vertical gardens for indoors and outdoors, we recommend that you think carefully about which plants to use before mounting it.

There are a large number of plants that can be used in one of these gardens, be it decorative plants or otherwise, such as aromatic plants for vertical gardens, very popular for the characteristic smell that they contribute to the space in which they are located. If you like aromatic plants and want to choose some for your vertical garden, we recommend this other article by Green Ecologist about the different types of aromatic and medicinal plants.

Here you have a list of 6 plants for vertical gardens that will not disappoint you:

  • Ferns
  • Succulents or succulents of all kinds
  • Duranta or golden edge
  • Telephone plant
  • Lion claw
  • Ribbons, love bow or malamadre

If you want to read more articles similar to How to make vertical gardens, we recommend that you enter our Decoration category.

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