15 Trees With Pinecones - Names and Photos

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Pineapples, technically called cones, are the structures in which conifers protect their seeds, allowing the ovules to mature inside them for later, once they have become seeds, to facilitate their dispersal. Conifers They are the largest and most important group among gymnosperm plants and, therefore, there is an enormous variety both in the species of trees that produce them and in their different forms. In this Green Ecologist article we are going to see some pine cones.

Pine trees

Without a doubt, Pinus, commonly called pines, they are one of the most popular pinecone trees, or perhaps they are the most recognized in the whole world. It is a whole genus of plants, almost all of them trees, that produce pineapples. Some of its species can reach heights of up to 40 meters, but their height tends to be around 25 meters. They are evergreen trees, with blue-green needle-shaped leaves, with a size that ranges between 3 and 8 centimeters.

The pines are very widespread in the cold areas of both Asia and Europe, being in the coniferous forests of the north of the latter where it has special dominance. In Europe alone there are more than 150 varieties of Scots pines, among which are the Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris and the Pinus sylvestris var. pyrenaica.

For the cultivation of Scots pine, very abundant irrigation is needed, since it is a plant adapted to the high mountain climate.

California redwood, one of the tallest pinecone trees

The Sequoia sempervirens, also called California redwood or redwood, is well known for being the tallest tree in the world. It is a species that has existed since the very Jurassic period, with which these plant giants came to live with the dinosaurs.

They are trees that can exceed 100 meters in height, with a strong and completely straight trunk, with thick and reddish bark that darkens as the tree ages. It has small, flattened leaves, up to 25 millimeters long, and light green tones.

The pine cones from the sequoia tree they are small and rounded, reaching 3 centimeters in length. This type of redwood is endemic to the North American Pacific coast, especially in the US area between Oregon and California.

Find out more about the Giant Sequoias: characteristics, where they are and photos with this other post.

White fir

Although the genus Abies It covers a large number of species of fir, one of the most common, which is also called common fir or white fir, is he Abies alba.

This species of fir is typical of the mountainous areas of the European continent, with a height that can reach 50 meters and a markedly pyramidal structure. It gets its name from the whitish tone of its bark, although it darkens and cracks as the tree ages. It is common to use its essences as balsamic, healing and disinfectant, in addition to other properties.

Himalayan cedar

Between the pine cones This species could not be missing from this list, since it is really striking for various reasons. This tree, with a scientific name Cedrus deodara and known as the tree of the godsIt is a kind of impressive prote that reaches 50 meters in height, with a conical shape, although the crown tends to lean over the years.

It stands out for being one of the fast-growing trees, and for the great contribution of organic matter that its fallen leaves and branches offer to the soil throughout the year, since it is evergreen. In addition, it can live for almost a thousand years, one of the reasons why it receives its mystical nickname. It is typical of the area to the northwest of the Himalayas, at altitudes between 1,200 and 3,900 meters.

Ananas comosus

The tropical pineappleDespite its name, it is not a pineapple of the same type as conifers. In fact, the tropical pineapple is a fruit, not a seed receptor cone, but its shared name can often be misleading.

The Ananas comosus It is a low perennial herb, native to central America, with rigid leaves up to 1 meter long. So, when in doubt how is the tropical pineapple tree, the answer is that the tropical pineapple is not born from a tree, but from a small tropical plant, as you can see in this photo.

More trees with pinecones

To finish and for you to know more species of trees with pineapples, here we leave you more names and photos:

  • Juniperus communis
  • Juniperus phoenicea
  • Taxus baccata
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Cupressus sempervirens
  • Abies cephalonica
  • Abies concolor
  • Abies excelsa
  • Pinus canariensis
  • Larix kaempferi

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