14 TYPES of DAISIES - Names, characteristics and photos

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Daisies are one of the most popular plants in the world and their characteristic flowers, the one with white petals being the most iconic, are known to practically anyone, regardless of whether they are gardening enthusiasts or not.

These plants are tremendously prolific, and there are more than 140 different species of daisies. If you want to learn more about how daisies are cared for or how many times daisies bloom, join us in this Green Ecologist article, in which we will see 14 types of daisies colored, some true and others that are related and very similar plants.

Daisy Shasta (Leucanthemum Superbum)

The Shasta daisyLeucanthemum Superbum) is a daisy size flower pretty big. It is native to the Pyrenees, so it is a species cold resistant. Shasta daisy season is in summer, between June and September. If we want to stimulate its flowering, it is convenient to cut its flowers regularly.

Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

The purple echinaceae (Echinacea purpurea) they are plants of lilac daisies They differ from Shasta daisies by the color of their petals, as well as by their intense orange or reddish center. It is a daisy native to America and Africa, reaching sizes of up to almost two meters. When caring for daisies of this type, special attention must be paid to pests of slugs and snails.

Common daisy (Bellis perennis)

The Bellis perennis it is also called common daisy, and corresponds to the plant that almost all of us imagine when we evoke the word daisy. It is the most common to find in meadows and areas of natural grass. Needs abundant watering and prefers locations in semi-shadow. This plant blooms during spring and summer.

If you want to see more plants like this, we recommend this other article about 22 spring flowers.

Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta)

The rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta) It is one of the plants similar to more colorful daisies and at the same time the least similar to the most common types. It has a burgundy colored center with orange dots and its petals stand out for being wide and of considerable size, in orange gradations. It prefers the sun to the semi-shade.

Bush Daisy (Chrysanthemum frutescens)

It is called bush daisy (Chrysanthemum frutescens) and it is a daisy of great showiness and beauty for its showy flowers. In return, it is a plant that requires greater maintenance than other species, since its great growth requires regular pruning to control it so that the plant remains healthy. It also requires a regular subscriber.

Daisy Dahlberg (Thymophylla tenuiloba)

The Dahlberg daisy, Dahlberg daisy or yellow daisy (Thymophylla tenuiloba) is another of the most classic daisies, the typical yellow one, so common next to the Bellis perennis of white petals. It is a very resistant and easy-to-care species, ideal for gardening enthusiasts. It requires a very sunny location.

Margaza (Argyranthemum frutescens)

This plant is also called Canarian margarita or Argyranthemum frutescens, as it is typical of these islands, where it grows naturally and wild. Its flowers are of varied colors, among which we find pink, yellow and white, with both double and single petals. It requires direct sunlight, large pots and is grateful for warm temperatures.

Gerbera daisy (Asteraceae)

The gerbera daisy, also commonly called african daisy, it is actually a whole genus of the family of Asteraceae, which bears a great resemblance to the classic daisy. It is a very exotic plant originating in South Africa, rarely exceeding 15 cm in height.

In this link you will see the Gerbera plant care and its meaning.

Queen daisy (Callistephus chinensis)

This species also receives the popular name of queen daisy (Callistephus chinensis), as it is another of its most popular species among fans. Among its cares, its need for frequent and abundant watering in the warm months stands out, as well as its preference for a location in full sun.

Blue daisy (Anemone blanda)

The call blue daisy (Anemone blanda) it is actually a whole genus of plants. It is available with flowers in all kinds of colors, among which those in blue, purple or violet tones stand out. It needs a lot of sun and is not very demanding with watering.

Zinia or mystic rose (Zinnia elegans)

The call mystical rose or paper flower (Zinnia elegans) It is a plant native to North America that is not really a daisy. It bears a certain resemblance to dahlias, and its flowers cover practically all colors except blue. It blooms during all the warm months and welcomes full sun exposure, as well as abundant watering in which its leaves do not get wet.

Felicia (Felicia amelloides)

The call felicia or agateaFelicia amelloides) it gets its name precisely from the peculiar coloration of the petals of its flowers. It is a round plant that reaches heights of up to 50 cm, with a flowering that occurs in the warm months and requires full sun.

Dimorfoteca (Dimorphotheca sinuata)

From great resemblance to daisies, this Southeast African plant forms shrubs of reduced height, very showy to cover edges or small areas of the garden. The dimorphic library (Dimorphotheca sinuata) It is of the perennial type, with orange flowers very showy, and has a great capacity for adaptation, although it does not tolerate low temperatures.

River daisy (Brachycome iberidifolia)

It is also called river daisy (Brachycome iberidifolia), even though it's not really a margarita. It is a plant less than 15 cm tall, small and with flowers with white, pink, blue and purple petals. It needs abundant watering, but is otherwise very resistant.

Now that you know all these types of daisy plants, we encourage you to learn about Daisy care. We also invite you to discover some Curiosities about daisies.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of daisies, we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants.

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