12 types of EUCALYPTUS - Names, characteristics and photos

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The word Eucalyptus means well covered and refers to the capsule that protects the seed of the species that make up the Myrtaceae family. With more than 700 species, almost all from New Guinea and Australia, they are currently distributed throughout the planet.

In this post by Ecologist Verde we want to show you some of the types of eucalyptus most used in gardening so that, in this way, you know a little more about them and their importance within some industries, such as perfumery, pharmaceuticals, wood and cellulose.

Eucalyptus types - list of names

We start by showing the main types of eucalyptus with this list of names of species of this type of hardwood:

  • Eucalyptus camaldulensis
  • Eucalyptus citriodorus
  • Eucalyptus cladocalyx
  • Eucalyptus coolabah
  • Eucalyptus dumosa
  • Eucalyptus globulus
  • Eucalyptus incrassata
  • Eucalyptus leucoxylon
  • Eucalyptus microtheca
  • Eucalyptus robusta
  • Eucalyptus rostrata
  • Eucalyptus torquata

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Commonly known as red eucalyptusIt is a highly valued species in gardening for its good size and coloration. Native to Australia, it can reach up to 45 meters Tall. In the same way, although it prefers to be in areas with humidity or near water, it is very resistant to droughts, so it does not require much specific care.

Eucalyptus citriodorus

The Eucalyptus citriodorus, Corymbia citriodora or citrodora, It is known as aromatic eucalyptus for the lemon scent that its leaves give off. In fact, this essential oil is widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy. In addition, this type of eucalyptus is highly valued for the hardness of its wood and for its medicinal properties. Like the red eucalyptus, it reaches 45 meters tall and is distinguished by the white color of its bark.

Eucalyptus cladocalyx

This is one of the types of eucalyptus which is originally from Australia and is characterized by Pink color of its new leaves and by keeping the bark at the bottom of its trunk. They tend to easily reach the 30 meters tall and is known as the sugar eucalyptus. Its wood is used to build posts or barriers.

Eucalyptus coolabah

Also native to Australia, like most species, this eucalyptus is smaller in size, reaching a maximum of 15 meters Tall. It is recognized for its White flowers and by keeping the bark on the trunk, just like the sugar eucalyptus. It usually grows in arid areas, so it does not require special care and is used in natural medicine to disinfect wounds.

Eucalyptus dumosa

Known as mallee white is one of the eucalyptus species most representative of Australia. With a shrubby growth, it does not exceed 10 meters Tall. It has a short and thick trunk, as well as long and thin lateral branches that give it this characteristic appearance. Its flowers are white and its leaves are evergreen and fragrant.

Eucalyptus globulus

Known as white eucalyptus or blue eucalyptus, is one of the most widely used eucalyptus species outside its place of origin, Australia. It can reach up to 60 meters tall and has a whitish bark and flowers present both solitary and in groups of up to 3. These are bell-shaped and covered by a layer of whitish powder. Widely used both for its wood and for its medicinal properties.

Eucalyptus incrassata

It is another species of the variety of eucalyptus known as mallee. Also of a shrubby type and known as yellow mallee, can reach a maximum of 8 meters tall and has a very fine trunk that has been used by native Australians as wood to make boomerangs and for its healing properties.

Eucalyptus leucoxylon

The yellow eucalyptus It is also native to South Australia and reaches more than 15 meters Tall. Very characteristic for its white and fuchsia flowers and its evergreen leaves of deep green color. It does not need much care, but it does not tolerate excess water well.

Eucalyptus microtheca

This species reaches 15 meters tall and grow in semi-arid climates, but always near a source of water. This eucalyptus is also commonly known as coolibah stands out for having one of the smaller fruits.

Eucalyptus robusta

Reaches almost 30 meters high and has a strong wood highly valued for the manufacture of boards and beams. This is one of the types of eucalyptus that stand out most for their bark, as it is reddish brown and rough. In addition, it has lanceolate leaves and white flowers.

Eucalyptus rostrata

The red gum, or also known as red eucalyptus in some areas, it is a tree of about 45 meters high, widely used in gardening for its large size and its characteristic bark, which has some reddish streaks on a white tone. It is especially suitable for large gardens. In addition, it does not require much care, withstanding well both droughts and excess water.

Eucalyptus torquata

Other type of eucalyptus bushy in appearance that does not usually reach more than 6 meters Tall. It is very easy to distinguish thanks to its fruits of orange color and its thin and elongated leaves. It is known as coral eucalyptus the color of its flowers that appear in inflorescences of between 3 and 7 flowers. Widely used in gardening to create avenues and even to grow in pots.

Now that you know these 12 types of eucalyptusYou may be interested in discovering more about them in this other Green Ecologist article about 15 curiosities of nature that will surprise you. Did you know that they are one of the trees that can grow taller? And that its growth is very fast? Find out more at this link.

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