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When you consider which plants to fill your garden, balcony or terrace with to give life and improve the environment they offer, the most important thing is to find species that adapt to the climate of your area. Some easy-care outdoor plants are quite resistant to most non-extreme climates, but there are others that are adapted to a certain type of environment and, no matter how much care you put into their care, they will not be healthy if the climate is not right. suitable. Therefore, if you live in an area with very irregular temperatures, it is best to opt for year-round resistant outdoor plants, that withstand both high and fairly low temperatures. If you live in a mountain area you will want plants that withstand frost and a lot of sun, while in a dry and hot climate you will need them resistant to drought, or perhaps you are looking for outdoor plants resistant to cold and heat with flowers for that little protected balcony of the time of the area and that you want to beautify.

If at different times of the year you wonder which plants are resistant to cold to put in your garden and which are the plants that resist heat, it is because in your area you have temperatures that, although perhaps not extreme, are hotter or quite colder depending on the month. Therefore, learn with Green Ecologist about the cold and heat resistant outdoor plants So that, in this way, you can have the same plants all year round and save yourself changing them all twice or more a year. You can have some seasonal plants that are more decorative but, to be practical, better if the base or the greater volume of plants in the outdoor area of your house resist different temperatures well.

Oleander or Nerium oleander

We start our list with one of the outdoor shrubs resistant to cold and heat best known: oleander (Nerium oleander). It is also sometimes known as flower laurel, baladre, laurel rose or trinitaria.

It is one of the best choices if you are looking for a resistant plant that does not require much care. You just have to bear in mind that if it is consumed or used as firewood for bonfires or fireplaces, due to its smoke, it can be poisonous to pets and children. For the rest, it is also widely used for its brightly colored flowers that make any garden full of life.

Agapanthus or Agapanthus africanus

To the agapanthusAgapanthus africanus) it is also known as african lily and it is one of the most valued outdoor plants for the beauty of its appearance, always with lush foliage and beautiful flowers presented in inflorescences of a white, blue, lilac or resplendent purple color. Although it can be grown in the garden soil as a covering plant, it is more normal to find it directly in a pot, so if you are looking for plants for outdoor and resistant pots, this can be a beautiful option.

Japanese maple or Acer palmatum

The red maple or Japanese mapleAcer palmatum) It's one of the cold and heat resistant trees most representative of autumn in East Asia. It can reach 10 meters in height, but generally does not exceed 5 meters. Its webbed leaves turn a deep red color when autumn arrives, before it completely loses its leaves. It can be kept without problems during the rest of the year as long as the temperatures do not exceed 38 ºC and you water continuously, at least 2 times a week.

Aspidistra or Aspidistra elatior

Another of the resistant outdoor plants for terraces and gardens It is the aspidistra. The aspidistraAspidistra elatior) it is a plant capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 0 ° C. In addition, this plant with green and leafy leaves does not need much care, you will only have to give it away as you see that it needs it (when you notice that its substrate is very dry by sinking your fingers a little in it or sinking a wooden stick) and place it, preferably in a semi-shaded area.

Bougainvillea or Bougainvillea sp

The bougainvillea or bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp) It is widely used to cover lattices and pergolas, this climbing plant appreciated above all for its abundant flowering does not require specific care. You can maintain it with little effort and enjoy it during the hot months. It supports drought well, but not with waterlogging, so be careful to regulate its waterings well. In addition, it will withstand the cold months well, although without flowers, but it will not take well the frosts.

In these other articles we tell you what are the Care of bougainvillea or bougainvillea and How to prune a bougainvillea in a pot.

Callistemon or Callistemon citrinus

Commonly known as pipe cleaner, red brush or callistemon (Callistemon citrinus), It's one of the hardier evergreen shrubs. It can be grown both in soil and in pot and planted in the ground directly, it can exceed 3 meters in height.

It is used a lot for its striking red flower spikes to decorate corners of gardens and terrace. It is a shrub that prefers to be exposed to the sun directly.

Garden plum or Prunus cerasifera

One of the deciduous trees most used for outdoor use due to its resistance is the garden plumPrunus cerasifera). Capable of reaching up to 15 meters in height, it is used for its great ornamental value thanks to its reddish trunk and its spectacular early spring flowering. Withstands temperatures up to 38 ºC in summer and of -15 ºC during winter.

Learn here more Ornamental trees, their names, characteristics and photos.

Citronella or Cymbopogon citratus

Surely this plant sounds quite familiar to you because it is one of the most effective natural remedies against annoying mosquitoes. This shrubby plant with a fragrance similar to lemon is also a more than perfect option for terraces and gardens. You will only have to take care of covering the citronella plantCymbopogon citratus) in case of frost. Meanwhile, during the rest of the months of the year and especially in summer, we recommend that you place it near the place where you sleep to enjoy its aroma and forget about those irritating bites.

If you want to know more about one of the plants for outdoor pots and resistant to heat and cold (except frost), enter here to read more about the Citronella plant: characteristics and care.

Cypress leylandi or Cupressocyparis leylandii

The Leyland cypress or leylandi cypress (Cupressocyparis leylandii) it is a hybrid between the cypress Cupressus macrocarpa and the Chamaecyparis nootkatensis. The result is a high-growth plant, capable of gaining half a meter in height a year, which differs from the usual cypress hedges by being much more resistant That this. It is widely used to isolate the view in gardens and outdoors, it is not demanding with the soil and resists both the salinity of the coastal areas and the intense cold, being suitable for any garden of good size.

Convalaria or Ophiopogon japonicus

The convalaria or convolaria (Ophiopogon japonicus) It is a herbaceous native to Korea, Japan and China, very popular as an ornamental plant, especially delimiting spaces or as a wallcovering. It forms a thick bush, with a large number of long and narrow leaves, like ribbons. It is a species of great growth and expansion capacity and its small flowers give rise to some blue colored fruits very showy, round or oval and very pretty. It grows well in semi-shady or shady areas and is not fussy about watering unless you grow it in full sun.

Here you can learn more cold resistant upholstery plants.

Carnation or Dianthus caryophyllus

The carnationDianthus caryophyllus) It is a classic of the balcony planters in Spain, as this flower of cheerful colors is undoubtedly a great choice to fill the exterior of your home with life. To grow well and flourish, this plant prefers to be located in a place where it receives direct sunlight and receives continuous watering to promote flowering. Therefore, this is one of the heat and cold resistant outdoor plants, during the warm months it will have flowers and during the cool ones it will not.

Clematis or Clematis spp.

The clematisClematis spp.) is another of the climbing plants with flower most used for those who do not have time to carry out continuous care in the garden. This plant resists very well throughout the year, both frost and direct sun exposure. In addition, they give off a pleasant aroma similar to that of jasmine. The only thing you will have to bear in mind is that it is usually quite invasive, so it is better to monitor it so that it does not endanger the rest of the plants in your terrace or garden.

Here you can learn more climbing plants to put in your garden or terrace.

Clivia or Clivia Miniata

The cliviaClivia miniata), very common in portals and patios a few years ago, is once again increasingly present in our urban environments thanks to its great resistance and attractive appearance. It is a herbaceous plant that stands out both for its large, elongated, flat leaves and a beautiful dark green, as well as for its striking annual flowering.

This is not a demanding care plant, tolerating low temperatures and partially shaded locations quite well. You have to be careful, of course, with exposures to direct or intense sun, which can damage its leaves. For it to flower in spring, it is necessary to let the plant cool down and stop being watered in late autumn, for about eight weeks. Here you can learn more about Clivia Care.

Chrysanthemum or Chrysanthemum spp.

The chrysanthemumChrysanthemum spp.) It is one of the most representative flowering plants in Japan, the land of the rising sun. Known for their large flowers of very varied coloration, from white to red, through pink, yellow and orange tones, they are flowering plants capable of easily adapt to cold climates, but not receive direct sunlight. You will only need to place it in a cool place, preferably in semi-shade to fully enjoy its spectacular flowering.

In this other guide you will see what is the Care of chrysanthemums.

Dichondra or Dichondra repens

The dichondra plant or Dichondra repens It is one of the most used plants in outdoor gardens, but not only for its incredible resistance to weather changes.

The dichondra plant is often used as a cover plant or as a grass substitute plant. However, these two plants can be differentiated very well, since the dichondra has curious kidney-shaped leaves.

Durillo or Viburnum tinus

The commonly called Durillo, laurentino or wild laurel (Viburnum tinus) It is a shrub typical of the Mediterranean coast that stands out for its winter flowering, covering the spaces of its clusters of small but beautiful white flowers.

It is used in both pots and hedges and is widely known for its great resistance to both cold and heat, as well as in the shade or in the sun. An all-terrain plant that remains green all year round, and which is one of the few capable of producing beautiful flowers during the colder months.

Firethorn or Pyracantha coccinea

Even though that him fire thornPyracantha coccinea) It is a thorny shrub It is also one of the species of outdoor plants best known for their resistance. This shrub has a beautiful white inflorescence that remains on it during spring and summer and produces small round, red fruits that are born in abundant groups. It is common to see it used both as a shrub to decorate the wall and in isolated hedges away from the wall, but keep in mind that it prefers semi-shade.

Fotinia or Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'

The photinia or Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' It is a fast-growing evergreen shrub that can reach 3 meters in height. It is used for its striking elongated leaves that change color, being red during spring and purple during summer. In winter and the rest of the year they remain deep green. It's a plant very resistant and it can grow without problems in any type of soil and be exposed to the sun without being damaged.

Other outdoor plants resistant to cold and heat

To finish, we show you more names of heat and cold resistant outdoor plants and you will see their photos below in the same order as this list.

  • Privet or Ligustrum texanum
  • Geranium or Geranium spp.
  • Wisteria or Wisteria sinensis
  • Hemerocallis or Hemerocallis spp.
  • Ivy or Hedera spp.
  • Chinese jasmine or Trachelospermum jasminoides
  • Lavender or Lavandula angustifolia
  • Blue lily or Iris germanica
  • Rosemary or Salvia rosmarinus
  • Rose bush or Rosa spp.
  • Tecomaria or Tecomaria capensis
  • Clover or Trifolium spp
  • Opuntia or Opuntia Máxima
  • Palm excelsa or Trachycarpus Fortunei
  • Palmito or Chamaerops humilis
  • Petunia or Petunia spp.
  • Pansies or Viola x wittrockiana
  • Pita or Agave spp.
  • Pitosporo or Pittosporum tobira
  • Yucca or Yucca spp.
  • Zamioculca or Zamioculcas zamiifolia

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