If what you are looking for is to know the different kinds of lilies that you have at your disposal because you are thinking of having some at home or simply out of curiosity, this Green Ecologist article will be of great help. We have made a list with some of the varieties of lilies most popular and striking so you can choose between them and give a touch of color to your home. In addition, you will know what colors of lilies there are and what are the necessary and basic care for these spectacular flowering plants. So if you want to discover 10 types of lilies, keep reading and look at the photos to know them in more detail.
Known as lily of the incasDue to its origin in Peru, this plant with lanceolate leaves has several shades that go from yellow to orange, and even the pink. Its flowering time is in summer and it prefers well-drained and deep soils.
Also with large orange flowers, this type of lily can reach almost one meter in height. It is native to Central Europe and needs acid, neutral or alkaline pH soils for its optimal growth. It needs several daily irrigation doses to maintain the necessary humidity for greater flowering.
This type of lily is also known as lily. Perennial type, it is one of the white lilies best known for the beauty of their flowers. It reaches a height of up to 70 centimeters, so we can grow it both in a pot and in the garden. In addition, it has a very characteristic aroma, which is why it is usually used in bouquets. It grows every season, as long as we change the soil with the new bulbs produced each year.
The common name for this orange flower lily with black endings, it is tiger lily. This plant is highly valued for its exotic beauty and can reach 2 m in height. It is native to East Asia and blooms during the summer.
It is another of the white lilies best known and is originally from Japan, specifically from the Ryukyu Islands. Commonly called white lily or Easter lilyNot only does it produce large and spectacular flowers, but it also grows to over a meter in height. You only need direct sunlight and well-drained soil so that during the summer it has a spectacular flowering.
One of the purple lilies Most used for its ornamental value is the one known as the weeping lily. Despite its small size, no more than 50 cm in height, it produces beautiful hanging bouquets of flowers ranging from the violet, passing by pink and purpleto.
Also known as the lily of the pyrenees, This herbaceous plant reaches more than one meter in height and produces a large number of flowers that are grouped in clusters of up to twelve flowers and that have a wide chromatic range of warm tones. We will find it in shades like yellow, orange and even red. As a curious fact, it gives off a not very pleasant aroma so we do not recommend it as an indoor plant.
Originally from southwestern China, it is one of the types of lilies that are best adapted to different climates and soils, which is why it is grown all over the world. Its flowers are bell-shaped, and white color with pink lines and the yellow center. It grows well in full sun, as long as the soil is moist and well-drained.
The Acapulco lily is a lily that stands out for the pleasant Pink color of its flowers for its pleasant aroma. This plant needs slightly acid soils to reach its maximum height; between 90 and 120 cm approximately.
The coves, which is how they are commonly known to this type of water lilies, are one of the most used plants to create environments in garden areas where water is the main element. Originally from southern Africa, it is a plant that is cultivated for its ornamental value since it is widely used in bouquets for the elegance and shape of its white flowers.
Here you can learn about the care of the coves.
The most important thing to know when it comes to take care of the lilies are the following tips:
In this short guide you can learn more about the care of lilies.
If you want to read more articles similar to Types of lilies, we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants.