Green houses of the future to live like hobbits

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Soon they could be a trend ecological houses integrated into nature, like hobbit houses. In addition to their minimally intrusive aesthetics, they represent a good solution to the triple ecological, economic and energy crisis that we suffer.

In the face of the ecological crisis, that is to say, in front of the dreadful beehive-type buildings, the buried or semi-buried houses have innumerable advantages of habitability that, in turn, combat other problems such as the energy waste or the price of houses, since these are three to five times cheaper.

We return to the caves, we could say it like that, but in reality it is a return full of comfort, as shown by the numerous projects of famous architects like Malcolm Wels, Philippe Delage or Antoine Strauss.

Advantages and disadvantages

If, on the one hand, the houses are protected by the earth, it is also true that they require intensive excavation, with which this entails energy expenditure and aggression on the environment. But it also happens that once the households they blend in with the landscape.

Winters soften in its interior, because during the summer it absorbs the heat and it is released during the cold seasons. Likewise, in recent years progress has been made in its insulation from humidity and also allows save money in heating, because the thermal qualities of the earth are well used, whose constant temperature is around 13 ° C, according to experts.

Rounded, ideal with their green facades, although they look like hobbit houses, they do not therefore renounce concrete. Its structures use it in most projects, although efforts are being made to improve the technology from construction to reduce energy and final costs for the consumer.

In fact, those made by Binishells California, by Antoine Strauss, are three to five times cheaper than a conventional house. His projects include greenhouses to produce heat, water treatment, food, including a private garden. The recovery of energy from the earth or photovoltaic solar panels provide electricity, while the water is achieved through a purification system that allows the self-sufficiency, that is, it avoids us paying electricity and water bills.

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