Ideas to recycle old furniture

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The creative recycling It is a perfect outlet to give a new life to old furniture, among which we include both those that have a stack of years and those simply old or unused, which no longer fit into a new one decor. The simple act of trying to save a piece of furniture, the very attitude of looking for it a functionality or betting on a renovation that revalues it aesthetically and even as a resale product is a decisive step.

Restore and paint

Painting may require prior sanding, in which case we can then choose to apply a coat of paint following unconventional methods, which play with imperfection, as can be seen in the image above and also in the one that opens the post. Similarly, the layer of paint and artistic drawing are a good tandem, and if desired, original results will also be achieved by covering with paper (comic paper, wall paper, posters, etc.) and painting in combination.

If the furniture has an antique value, we should consult an appraiser to make the most appropriate decision, such as recycling or bad restoration it could spoil a high-value item on the market. For the rest, once this possibility has been ruled out, imagination is king. With good taste, great things can be achieved: renovated furniture, which avoids buying new ones, colorful or simply integrated into the decoration, perfect for use.

Chairs and armchairs are usually worn in the part of the seat, so, in the case of chairs, it may be enough to paint them the same or another color or varnish them again and use scraps to make a cushion that covers and protects that seat. zone. Similarly, armchairs are often left as good as new by changing the seat and back cushions. It is also possible to go all out and cover them with dozens of soda cans, except on the seat, where we will place a very colorful cushion.

The tables and dressers are going to transform in a spectacular way hanging them from the wall, lining the drawers or even the table completely with paper, and the same goes for the cabinets. Selectively line certain spaces and paint the rest of colors or, why not, it would be nice to add an artistic touch to drawings such as flowers or any figure or composition that inspires us.

Decoration with a retro feel

Cover the walls with paper of the room or any of them to create a vintage-style frame or atmosphere is another way to achieve a different decoration without having to change the furniture. The idea is to give prominence to those old or ancient furniture, with lines that seem to us from another era. That is precisely the key: accompanying the furniture with the appropriate decoration to create an atmosphere of style. vintage adding accessories and decorative objects of a retro type, much better if they are authentic, because that is how we reuse them.

In second-hand stores or on ad websites it will be easy to find suitable pieces so that those old furniture find their place next to decorative objects of yesteryear. The examples are almost infinite: an old typewriter, a vintage telephone, old books, collector's items or simply beautiful, that we like just because. In these cases, we could even buy them expressly in antique dealers or in stores that resell them. And, of course, it is also possible to find them on the street, next to some container, hoping that our imagination and enthusiasm will turn them into something special and, above all, very ours.

Imagination to power

That's right, the change of mentality It is necessary, and more so in these cases, which require minimal dedication and enthusiasm, especially in this world of ours, so friendly to use and throw away. Of course, once it has started, the good results and the joy of the work done by oneself encourage us to continue, and it is easy not to be able to stop.

When it comes to furniture, the imagination plays a great role, but it is also true that there are a series of guidelines that we can follow in order to obtain interesting results without having to pull the magin. Thanks to the diffusion provided by the network, we can follow the step by step of a multitude of projects or capture ideas that work and apply them to our own. In addition, as we can see in the image above, well chosen, modern decorative objects can help tremendously to modernize an old piece of furniture.

The inspiration

The inspiration can come from where we least expect: for example, just by moving a piece of furniture (from the dining room to the garden, from the room to the living room, from the living room to the kitchen …) we change the perspective, the possible use, the assessment of its aesthetics in terms of shapes, color … That is, it opens up endless possibilities that we can carry out through of creative recycling: line the drawers with paper, paint it from top to bottom, only partially, make artistic drawings, make a table with a door, or, for example, remove a couple of drawers to turn the holes into shelves.


Obviously, you don't need to change scenery to find the recycling. We could also change its use, without moving it from where it is or doing it minimally, another trick that also works to inspire us more and better. In case of leaving the furniture where it is, the movement then has to be mental. In short, it is about imagining it in another color, or simply rehabilitated, respecting it, so we will have to concentrate on renovating it with a layer of varnish, paint of the same tone or slightly different, in eliminating woodworm and fixing small flaws as a result of the passage of time or some other setback.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ideas to recycle old furniture, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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