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Both diesel and gasoline, fuels used for the operation of vehicles and machinery, have a strong impact on the environment Due to the gas emissions that are produced by burning these, some are more polluting than others. However, more and more environmentally friendly technologies are being developed, for example in the automotive industry they are betting on plug-in and electric hybrid cars to reduce the emission of polluting gases.

If you want to know what polluting gases emit diesel and gasoline engines or how the burning of fossil fuels affects the environment, continue reading this interesting article by Green Ecologist in which these doubts will be clarified and explained in detail what pollutes more diesel or gasoline.

What pollutes more a diesel car or a gasoline car

Tell what pollutes more a diesel car or a gasoline car it is somewhat difficult, since each pollutes in a different way. For example, if we compare two cars with the same characteristics, with the only difference that one is diesel and the other gasoline, we find that the diesel car emits fewer grams of CO2 per kilometer traveled, but also emits more harmful components than the gasoline one.

However, with the new techniques of filtering the diesel engines, also known as de diesel, diesel or diesel, the difference is minimized. It is all due to the new Euro 6 standard which makes the emissions of the rest of diesel pollutants similar to those of the Euro 4 gasoline regulation.

Therefore, today a gasoline car and a diesel car could be said to pollute the same thing, but in a different way, since Diesel cars emit less CO2 than gasoline cars, but still emit more of other pollutants, although not with as much difference as in previous years.

In this other article you can learn more about vehicular pollution: what it is, types, causes and consequences.

What polluting gases do diesel engines and gasoline engines emit?

We have said that CO2 is one of the main pollutants emitted in the combustion of engines that use these fossil fuels but, What are the polluting gases emitted by diesel engines and gasoline engines?

Pollutant gases emitted by diesel cars

  • Nitrogen
  • CO2
  • Water
  • Oxygen
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Soot
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Nitric oxides
  • Carbon monoxide

Pollutant gases emitted by gasoline cars

  • Nitrogen
  • CO2
  • Water
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Nitric oxides
  • Carbon monoxides

Here we tell you more about what type of pollution emits the exhaust pipe of a car.

How much a gasoline car pollutes

Refering to pollution from car that uses gasoline, we can say that the most significant differences between diesel and gasoline engines are based on the way in which the fuel mixes with the air and how they burn. They work differently, but one is not better than the other.

Then, How does gasoline affect the environment? This causes greenhouse gases to be emitted into the atmosphere, such as CO2. For every liter of gasoline consumed, 2.32 Kg of CO2 to travel about 13 km.

How much a diesel car pollutes

With the subject of the gasoline engine somewhat clearer, we will clarify some doubts related to diesel. How does diesel affect the environment? How much does a liter of diesel pollute?

The answer is that diesel or diesel negatively affects the environment and does so at levels very similar to gasoline. In addition to CO2, diesel also emits other gases and particles that are harmful to the environment, such as SO2, NOx and soot. For every liter, diesel emits 2.6 Kg of CO2 for about 16 Km.

Devices to reduce pollution from vehicles

There are different devices that have been incorporated into the automotive industry with the aim of reduce pollution emitted by vehicles:

  • AdBlue: It is an additive made mainly from urea and is injected into the exhaust gases, it is injected before these gases reach the catalyst. Urea contains ammonia and thanks to this and the high temperatures of the catalyst, when the NOx reacts, N2, CO2 and water vapor are produced.
  • Catalyst: The objective of this device is to reduce those harmful agents that escape through catalytic reactions (oxidation-reduction).
  • NOx catalyst-accumulator: As their name indicates, they are NOx accumulating catalysts, they accumulate NOx until it is regenerated and then eliminated. It arises to complement the three-way catalyst.
  • Anti-particulate filter: It serves to retain the soot particles that are produced during diesel combustion, to later eliminate them through their oxidation.
  • EGR gas recirculation: This device manages to reduce NOx emissions by approximately 50% since it recirculates the exhaust gases to the intake manifold when the engine works at partial load and at operating temperature.

What is the fossil fuel that pollutes the environment the most

It is clear that others fossil fuels They pollute the environment a lot, both their extraction and their use in combustion. Nevertheless, oil and its derivatives They are among the best known for offering us great advances in technology, transport and many other areas, but also for the high pollution they produce. As we have already mentioned both gasoline and diesel or diesel, both derived from petroleum, pollute the environment a lot, being both equally harmful.

Therefore, we must make moderate use of vehicles of this type and opt for public transport or electric vehicles or, at least, hybrids.

We encourage you to also read this other article on What are fossil fuels and how they were formed.

Less polluting cars

There are many car models that are becoming more efficient for reduce vehicle pollution. These are some of the cars that pollute less:

  • Toyota Prius 1.5 Hybrid
  • Volvo V70 2.4 Bifuel
  • Honda Civic 1.3i Hybrid
  • Skoda Octavia Combi
  • Skoda Octavia 1.6

If you want to read more articles similar to What pollutes more diesel or gasoline, we recommend that you enter our Pollution category.

  • INECC, Government of Mexico. Motor vehicles as emission sources: http://www2.inecc.gob.mx/publicaciones2/libros/618/vehiculos.pdf
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