Distribution and dynamics of OCEAN WATERS - Summary!

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Do you know the characteristics of the waters of the sea? Do you know how the oceans are distributed on our planet? Have you ever wondered about the different movements of marine waters, such as waves, tides and ocean currents?

Ocean distribution and dynamics are subjects well known to geographers and other experts who long ago wondered about these interesting questions. If you also want to understand them, from Ecologista Verde we invite you to read this short article on the distribution and dynamics of ocean waters.

What are ocean waters

We begin this article by explaining what are ocean waters. Before doing so, it is convenient to know that the set of all the waters on Earth is called the hydrosphere. Ocean waters are a large part of the hydrosphere and correspond to all the water that is contained in oceans and seas. Seas and oceans together contain an immense amount of water, an estimated total of more than 1,332 million cubic kilometers.

Oceanic waters have a higher salinity than the waters on the continents or continental waters. This is due to the salts that the rivers have transported to them, with predominantly chlorine ions (Cl-) and sodium (Na+). This higher salinity makes them unsuitable for drinking or watering, among other uses.

In this other article you can learn more about ocean waters: what they are, characteristics and importance.

Distribution of ocean waters

We continue this topic telling you now where are the ocean waters. There are 5 oceans that we find on our planet: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean. As for the seas (which are more closed and also less extensive and deep than the oceans), there are 60 main seas according to the International Hydrographic Organization, some of these are: Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Sea Red, etc.

Have you ever wondered which waters are more abundant: oceanic or continental? Oceans and seas occupy almost three-quarters of the earth's surface and the percentage of ocean waters is nothing less than him 97% of total water present all over the planet. On the other hand, the water present in the polar caps represents around 2%, while the existing water on the continents in the form of rivers, lakes and groundwater does not reach 1%. The small remaining fraction is located in the atmosphere and in the biosphere.

It is also important to note that the distribution of ocean waters it is not the same in both hemispheres. Thus, in the southern hemisphere the proportion of water with respect to the presence of continents is much higher than in the northern hemisphere.

Here we talk more about the Distribution of water in the world.

Dynamics of ocean waters

The ocean dynamics studies the different movements and paths of oceanic water, the changes in these and also how they influence the terrain. In this section we will answer how the dynamics of ocean waters are generated, with which there are 3 types of movements. Without further delay, we will tell you what are the 3 types of ocean water movements and its main characteristics:

  • Waves: Due to the action of the wind, the water moves in the shape of a cylinder and, when the cylinder reaches the shore and skims the bottom, the mass of water is unbalanced and the wave breaks. A variant is tsunamis, which are giant waves caused by volcanic eruptions on the seabed or earthquakes. Here below we show you a short video about the waves.
  • Tides: the tides are originated by the joint gravitational force of attraction that the Moon and the Sun exert on the Earth. They consist of rises and falls in sea level that occur periodically (approximately every 6 hours). We will have high tide or high tide if the sea level rises and low tide or low tide when the sea level falls.
  • Ocean currents: they can be caused by differences in salinity and temperature existing between some bodies of water and others; This is the case of deep ocean currents, also called thermohaline currents. Likewise, they can be caused by the winds, by the movement of the earth's rotation and by the obstruction posed by the continental masses; this is the case of surface ocean currents. On the map in the cover image at the beginning of this article you can see ocean and ocean currents, both warm and cold.

Importance of ocean waters

¿What is the importance of the movements of oceanic waters? Its importance lies in erosion and transport of materials that allows the formation of different types of ecosystems on the coasts, such as beaches, marshes or tidal flats. No less important is the role they play in the nutrient transport, essential for the development of populations and communities of marine animals and plants in these ecosystems.

In addition, ocean currents are responsible for transporting heat from the Earth's equator to the poles, making the differences in temperatures between them not more pronounced, that is, they play a crucial role in the thermoregulation of the planet.

They also play an important role in our society: since all ocean water masses are interconnected, we serve as a nexus between the different countries and continents of the globe when traveling and transporting goods. Finally, we must not forget that it is a large reservoir of natural resources for our development.

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