34 ENDANGERED ANIMALS in PARAGUAY - Names and photos

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Year after year, the list of Paraguayan animals that are in danger of extinction is growing. Some are well known, others not so much, but all the species of the Paraguayan fauna are very valuable and important so that the ecosystems enjoy good health and there is a balance.

Do you want to know what are some of the endangered animals in Paraguay? Are you interested in knowing what can be done to help preserve endangered species? If so, keep reading this short article by Green Ecologist where we answer these questions.

Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus)

We started this list of endangered animals in Paraguay talking about pampas deer or guasu ti (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). The reduction in the pampas deer population is estimated to have been over 80% in the last 100 years or so. Threatened mainly by poaching, as well as by the loss of habitat due to the transformation of natural areas to areas of pasture or agricultural crops. The outbreak of active fever transmitted by some cattle also had an impact. We can find it in the Paso Bravo and San Luis National Parks, north of Concepción.

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)

It is the only species of camelid that lives in Paraguay and it is believed that there is only a population of about 100 individuals which, in addition, are separated from other populations on the continent by more than a thousand kilometers. They have been seriously harmed by man by hunting them for their skin and meat. We can find the guanaco or Guazu kaka (Lama guanicoe)mainly in the Médanos del Chaco National Park.

Blue or Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)

This is one of the endangered animals that still live in Paraguay. The blue macaw, blue arara, hyacinth macaw or gua´a hovy (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is the largest parrot on the planet and a critically endangered species for being highly desired by animal traffickers (who sell them at exorbitant prices) and hunters. It lives in low-growth forests, palm groves and environments with water courses. In Paraguay it can only be found in the departments of Alto Paraguay and Concepción.

Jaguar or jaguar (Panthera onca)

It is believed that today the jaguar, jaguareté, jaguareté or American tiger (Panthera onca) it only inhabits 10% of the territory in which it was originally distributed. It is expected that it can be extinguished in about 50 to 100 years if measures are not taken, as they remain less than 500 copies. The main threats are poaching, the disappearance of their habitat and the conflicts they have had with domestic animals.

Here we explain more about why the jaguar is in danger of extinction.

Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)

The reduction in the population of the anteater or jurumí (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) it has been approximately 30% and it is estimated that it will continue to decline in the near future. Fires, road accidents and loss of habitat from agriculture are its main threats. Currently we can only find these threatened animals in Paraguay in the Chaco region (Alto Paraguay, Presidente Hayes and Boquerón).

Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)

The tapir or mborevi (Tapirus terrestris) had a population decline of 90% or more. Currently, there are still unconfirmed reports of new sightings, although it is not common. Hunting, loss of habitat and the advancement of cities are the main reasons why are seriously threatened. This species is associated with forests of very diverse types, being present in several National Parks (San Luis, Paso Bravo, Cerro Corá, San Rafael) and some Nature Reserves.

Learn more about why the tapir is in danger of extinction with this other post.

Other endangered animals in Paraguay

These are other endangered animals in Paraguay:

Mammals in danger of extinction

As for mammals, there are a total of 76 threatened species. Some are:

  • Giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis).
  • Giant armadillo, tatu guasu or tatu cart (Priodontes maximus).
  • Taguá or kimilero peccary (Catagonus wagneri).
  • Vinegar fox or jauga yvyguy (Speothos venaticus).
  • Swamp deer or guazu puku (Blastocerus dichotomus).
  • Brown marmoset or Ka'i pochy (Mico melanurus).
  • Puma, American lion or jagua pyta (Puma concolor).
  • Three-banded armadillo or taut bolita (Tolypeutes matacus).
  • Maned wolf or maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus).
  • Silvery marmoset or electric k'ai (Callithrix argentata).
  • Ounce cat, ocelot or aguarete´i (Leopardus pardalis).

Birds in danger of extinction in Paraguay

Regarding birds, 372 are threatened. We can find:

  • Harpy eagle, greater harpy or taguato ruvicha (Harpia harpyja).
  • White-winged Pathfinder or Yvyja´u moroti (Caprimulgus candicans).
  • Sawtooth duck or mbyguati (Mergus octosetaceus).
  • Wild guan or mytú (Crax fasciolata).
  • Bell bird or guyra bell (Procnias nudicollis).
  • Rhea or ñandu guasu (Rhea americana).
  • Royal vulture, king raven or yryvu ruvicha (Sarcoramphus papa).
  • Vinaceous parrot or paracaú (Amazona vinacea).

Reptiles at risk of extinction

Among the reptiles, there are a total of 200 threatened species. Some examples are:

  • Boa constrictor or mboi ro´y (Boa constrictor).
  • Green anaconda or mboi jagua (Eunectes murinus).

Endangered amphibians

As for the amphibian species, there are 36 that are threatened in this country. We have, for example:

  • Toad or kururu (Rhinella ictericus).
  • Log frog or Ju´i (Limnomedusa macroglossa).
  • Large island frog or card frog (Argenteohyla siemersi).
  • Missionary climbing frog or Ju´i (Hypsiboas caingua).

Invertebrates at risk of disappearing

We also have a total of 358 threatened invertebrate species in Paraguay and three of them are now extinct, which are:

  • River snail or river snail (Aylacostoma stigmaticum).
  • River snail or river snail (Aylacostoma cingulatum).
  • River snail or river snail (Aylacostoma quaraniticum).

How to help endangered animals in Paraguay

How can we protect the Paraguayan fauna? Can this great loss of biodiversity be stopped? First, it is important to know in what state of conservation are all the species. Then become aware that some of the above causes can be avoided. On the other hand, while it is true that progress in agricultural and livestock production is necessary (as well as in other sectors), it can be done in an appropriate way so as not to contribute to an excessive deterioration of nature. Let's see then some solutions:

  • Prevent deforestation of forests.
  • Avoid hunting animals by prohibiting the hunting of those animals that do not come from programs that have been authorized by the competent Authority.
  • Implement more measures to end illegal animal trafficking. Here we explain how to avoid illegal animal trafficking.
  • Prevent pollution of natural resources.
  • Promote plans for captive breeding.
  • Promote ecological restoration programs in which reforestation is carried out.
  • Set limits to urban, industrial, agricultural and livestock areas through a reorganization of the territory.
  • Promote the creation of more protected spaces.
  • There are quite a few associations that fight against the extinction of species (WWF, SeoBirdlife, etc.), you could offer them financial support or, if you can, some of your time as a volunteer.
  • Sometimes there are volunteers in National and Natural Parks in which you could participate.

We recommend you read this other article about Why it is important to protect endangered animals and watch this video on this topic.

If you want to read more articles similar to Endangered animals in ParaguayWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

  • Red Book of Mammals of Paraguay. Endangered species. Asunción, Paraguay 2022.Available at: https://www.conacyt.gov.py/sites/default/files/upload_editores/u294/material-VEVE-16-94_libro_rojo.pdf
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