20 Endangered Animals of Peru - PHOTOS and VIDEO

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The Amazon rainforest represents one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet. However, indiscriminate burning and deforestation are bringing many species to the brink of extinction. To this must be added other causes due to human activities, such as illegal trade and hunting of species, as well as excessive urbanization of the territory or pollution. In this article by Ecologist Verde, we focus on Peru, a country that enjoys a part of this incredible jungle, as well as other ecosystems, but sadly we can see more and more Peruvian animals in danger of extinction. Next, we review 20 endangered animals of Peru.

Andean bear

The Tremarctos ornatus, also called Andean or frontino bear, It is a bear of small size and a very distinctive appearance, especially for its face, which is why it is also known as spectacled bear. Other names it receives are that of ucumari or South American bear.

It is an omnivorous animal, but with a mainly vegetarian diet. Its range of distribution covers a strip of the Andes Mountains, from Venezuela to the north of Argentina. The Andean bear is a Peru's endangered animal and other areas. One of the causes that has caused the death of many of its specimens is the destruction of its habitat. Currently, there are some conservation projects for this species.

Andean condor

It is one of the Peruvian animals in danger of extinction in a more serious situation today. The Vultur gryphus It is a large black bird with white feathers on the neck and parts of the wings. It habitually lives nesting in the Andes Mountains and is a scavenger bird of prey.

The factors leading to this species on the brink of extinction in PeruThey are hunting, high environmental pollution or the reduction in the amount of food. As with the Andean bear, there are conservation projects for the Andean condor that are already underway.

Andes cat

The Leopardus jacobitus, is also known as Andean cat, Aymara titi, Chinchay, lynx cat or osjo. It normally inhabits the Andes Mountains at altitudes between 300 and 4,800 meters at sea level. Its appearance is similar to a cat in size, although its tail is larger, has a denser coat and is tabby in appearance.

It is a little known and is not only among the endangered animals in Peru, but is also among the most threatened felines of the American continent. Currently, only 2,500 specimens are known to exist. Their threats are hunting, the destruction of their habitat, the scarcity of prey and the trade in their skins.

Giant anteater

The Myrmecophaga tridactila, also called flag bear or yurumí, is the largest species of anteater and inhabits Central and South America. It is already one of the endangered animals in Peru, as well as in other areas. The biggest threats for this species to be in danger of extinction are its natural predators such as jaguars and pumas, its low reproductive potential, the destruction of its habitat and human activities such as its capture for zoos.


The pudu or pudu It is a kind of deer and it is the smaller deer what's up. They reach only up to 33 centimeters in length and 7 kg in weight. This animal has a color that ranges from reddish brown to yellowish gray and inhabits much of South America, but especially in Peru. It is another of the animals of Peru in danger of extinction.

Their main threats are the destruction of forests by man, illegal hunting, dog attacks or being run over. For this reason, few specimens have been quantified today and their disappearance is expected in the coming years.

Amazon pink dolphin

The Inia geoffrensis is a dolphin that is also known as boto or Amazon dolphin. It lives in the basin of the Amazon River and can have a pink or pale blue color, although the most common is that they are albinos. It is one of the five species of freshwater dolphins that live on the planet.

In the entire Amazon area, including Peru, the Amazon pink dolphin is in danger of extinction. As in most cases of the different animals in Peru in danger of extinction, their main threats are the construction of dams, canals and the diversion of natural river courses.

Find out more about Endangered Pink Dolphins in this other Green Ecologist article.

Yellow-tailed woolly monkey

The Oreonax flavicauda it is a unique primate in the Peruvian Andes. It is a monkey with thick hair and long tails that lives in mountain areas that are difficult to access. Their diet is based on fruits, leaves and flowers.

The main threats to yellow-tailed woolly monkey They are the construction of access routes to their habitats and the destruction of these for agricultural activities. In the cloud forests of northern Peru, its population is estimated at only 250 specimens, so it is considered to be a Peru's endangered animal.

Common spider monkey

The common spider monkey or Ateles belzebuth It is a species of primate that lives mainly in the tropical forests of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil. This species of spider monkey is in a state of danger of extinction and, according to the records of the IUCN Red List, its population in the wild continues to decrease.

Among the main causes that the common spider monkey is one of the endangered animals of Peru, and the rest of the countries in which it lives, are the indiscriminate felling of trees and the deforestation of tropical forests, as well as their hunting and capture and the increase in diseases that seriously affect them, such as malaria.

Here you can learn more about why the spider monkey is in danger of extinction.

Uakari or bald cacajao

Scientifically known as Cacajao calvusThis is a primate that lives mainly in Peru and in some areas of Brazil and Colombia, its habitat being the forests and jungles of the Amazon region. Apart from being bald, as his name suggests, he is characterized by his red face and their dense orange-brown fur.

The bald uacarí is a species in a vulnerable state and its population continues to decrease, so it can be considered that, following this way, it is close to entering the category of endangered animals of Peru.

Goeldi's tamarin

This is another species of primate that is in a state of vulnerability and that, in addition, the trend of its population continues to be decreasing, so it is expected that each time there will be less specimens in freedom. This is the forecast presented by the associations that are in charge of fighting for their survival (and that of their ecosystem); a prognosis that is more likely to be fulfilled if more drastic solutions are not put in place to the main causes of this bad situation which, as is the case with almost all animals in the Amazon, are: habitat destruction, illegal hunting and illegal capture .

The calimico or mico de Goeldi (Callimico goeldii) lives in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. Although it is considered that their status is one of vulnerability in their global situation, it is true that in some countries, such as Peru, their situation is already in danger of extinction.

Mountain tapir or mountain tapir

The Tapirus pinchaque, also called Mountain tapir, mountain tapir or Andean tapir It is an animal considered exotic that inhabits the surroundings of the Andes mountain range, especially in the part of Peru. It is currently considered that in Peru it is in danger of extinction, but in the rest of the areas where its population is not much higher. Their main threats are the loss of their habitats such as logging and burning.

Learn more about the situation of this animal with this other post by Green Ecologist on Why the tapir is in danger of extinction.

Giant otter

This mustelid is also known as the wolf choker or arirayPteronura brasiliensis). It lives mainly in the Great Pantanal and the Amazon River and spans several countries, such as Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Sadly, although it lives in these areas of various countries, it is becoming increasingly difficult to see it, since the categorization of its general state is of animal in danger of extinction, both in Peru and in the rest of the countries.

Chungungo or sea cat

Scientifically called Feline lontra and commonly known as sea otter, sea cat, chungungo, sea cat, chinguno, chinchimén or huallaque. It is an otter that lives on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in South America. Specifically, this otter is one of the Peruvian animals in danger of extinction that occupies the most space along that part of the continent, since the northernmost region in which it is found is in Peru, it passes through Chile and reaches Argentina, and some individuals can even be found in the wild in the Islands Falklands.

You can discover more about these islands in this other article about the Flora and fauna of the Falkland Islands.

Hill mouse

The mouse of the hills or Zúñiga rice mouse (Melanomys zunigae) It is a small rodent that only lives in Peru. Currently, this species of small mammal is found in critically endangered status, one step away from being extinct in the wild and maybe also in captivity. In fact, according to the latest records from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the trend of its population is decreasing.

The main causes of its serious condition are the isolation of the hills, the destruction of habitat and the invasion of exotic species.

Andean marsupial frog

This is an amphibian found in the list of endangered animals of Peru and its population continues to decline year after year. The frog species Gastrotheca riobambae It is in this bad situation due to the destruction and loss of its habitat and to the fact that the populations that remain in the wild are highly fragmented and reduced, a division mainly caused by the increase in urbanization in the valleys of the Andean regions where it lives.

Lake Titicaca Giant Frog

In this compilation of Peruvian animals in danger of extinction, this other amphibian could not be missing, since the giant frog of Lake Titicaca or Telmatobius culeus It is a species that, currently, is already in critically endangered status. This species of amphibian is endemic to Lake Titicaca, inhabiting both Peru and Bolivia.

Image: UltimaHora

Peruvian branch cutter bird

It is commonly known as the Peruvian branch-cutting bird or peruvian plant cutter and scientifically as Phytotoma raimondii.

It is an endemic species of the Peruvian north and central coast, but currently its populations are very fragmented, so its reproduction is more difficult. For this reason and for other reasons, the Peruvian branch cutter is practically in danger of extinction, since its status is very vulnerable and its population continues to decline.

Image: SosPeruvianPlantcutter

Wonderful hummingbird

Another of the endangered birds of Peru it is the wonderful hummingbird, admirable hummingbird, spatula-tailed hummingbird or Loddigesia mirabilis. This small colorful bird is endemic to a specific region of the high jungle of Peru, specifically, the Utcubamba river basin. This species has a reduced territory in itself, but this together with the fact that its habitat is rapidly destroyed by pollution and logging of the forest, its situation is at risk and its populations continue to decline.

Image: by ECOAN

White-winged guan

Another endemic bird of Peru that is in a bad situation in terms of the volume of its population is the white-winged kettle or Penelope albipennis. This large galliform bird lives in the dry forests of the northern coast of this country, that is to say, in a fairly delimited region and in which it suffers the habitat destruction. To this cause, other reasons are added why this animal is in danger of extinction, such as, for example, that its reproduction rate is low and it is given hunting indiscriminately.

Image: InfoRegion

Blue whale

To finish this list of Peruvian animal species in danger of extinction, we want to mention the largest living being in the world: the blue whale or fin whale. This species of marine mammal is at risk of disappearing worldwide. This migratory animal, which spends part of its life in Peruvian waters and in nearby countries, is one of the most threatened in the oceans, since it is not only seriously affected by the increase in climate change and the destruction of its habitat, but also by hunting and the acoustic pollution in the water that produces strandings are causing great havoc in its population.

If you want to learn more about the Balaenoptera musculus and its current situation, we recommend reading this other article by Green Ecologist about Why the blue whale is in danger of extinction. In addition, we leave you here below a video in which we talk about several of these endangered animals in Peru.

If you want to read more articles similar to 20 endangered animals of PeruWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

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