30 animals in danger of extinction in Latin America - PHOTOS

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Latin America is a land of diverse landscapes, cultures, traditions, and also unique animal species. Like species from other parts of the planet, Latin American fauna is not exempt from threats that increase its vulnerability and contribute to its extinction. Under this fact, today from Green Ecologist we will talk about the endangered animals of Latin America. Especially, we will mention those that are classified by the Red Lists of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in the categories of endangered or critically endangered.

Giant otter

The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), also called a river wolf, is a carnivorous mammal found in the Amazon. In the 1960s, this species was sought after for its fur, which led to an excessive decline in its populations. Currently, the main threat that puts its existence at risk is the habitat loss and fragmentation.

White-headed marmoset

The white-headed marmoset monkeySaguinus oedipus) It's in critical danger of extinction mainly to the illegal traffic of their specimens and the loss and fragmentation of their habitat. This peculiar species of primate is endemic to northern Colombia.

In these other posts you can learn more about endemic species of Colombia and animals in danger of extinction in Colombia.

Central American tapir

The central american tapir, whose scientific name is Tapirus bairdiiIt lives from the south of Mexico to the north of Colombia. It is a herbivorous mammal with both diurnal and nocturnal habits. The overhunting of their copies and the loss and fragmentation of their habitat have determined that today the tapir is in danger of extinction.

Here you can read more about Why the tapir is in danger of extinction.

Galapagos penguin

The Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus)As its name suggests, it is endemic to the Galapagos Islands. Today, the number of specimens of this species is decreasing. In fact, it is estimated that only 1,200 copies remain. The main cause of this phenomenon is climate change.

We recommend you read these other related articles about Flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands and Penguins in danger of extinction.

Caribbean manatee

The Caribbean manateeTrichechus manatus manatus) it is distributed from the Gulf of Mexico to the mouth of the Amazon River. This particular aquatic mammal stands out for its appearance and can grow to over 3 meters. Regrettably, It is in danger of extinction Due to the excessive hunting of their specimens to use their meat as food and their skin.

You can read more about it here: The endangered manatee.


The huemul or güemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus)It is an endemic deer of Patagonia and it is even the southernmost deer in the world. Sadly, this species is in danger of extinction for more than 30 years, due to poaching, habitat loss and fragmentation, and the introduction of exotic species (such as red deer and cattle).

As it lives mainly in areas of Chile and Argentina, this animal appears in these lists along with many other species:

  • Animals in danger of extinction in Chile.
  • Animals in danger of extinction in Argentina.

Pink dolphin

The pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is the largest river dolphin that exists, they can measure more than 2 meters in length. It is native to the Amazon, it is precisely distributed throughout the Amazon basin, the Madeira River and the Orinoco. At this time, both the fishing nets and like the pollution of their habitat, are the main causes that contribute to the species being in danger of extinction.

Learn a little more by reading this other post: The endangered pink dolphins.

Blue or hyacinth macaw

The blue or hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) presents a distribution that includes Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia. In certain areas of its distribution, the blue macaw is found in critical danger of extinction due to the illegal traffic of their specimens for the trade of them as pets or to use their feathers as decoration. Furthermore, the loss and fragmentation of the Amazon rainforest increases its vulnerability.

Olive ridley turtle

The olive ridley turtleLepidochelys kempii) It is a species of sea turtle that is found in the Caribbean Sea and that usually nests on the coasts of Mexico. This species is considered to be in Danger of extinction as they are accidentally hunted. Also, ocean pollution is another factor that puts their existence at risk.

Patagonian frog

This species of amphibian called Patagonian frogAtelognathus patagonicus) It is located in the Laguna Blanca in the northwest of Argentine Patagonia. Taking into account that your skin is very sensitive to changes in the environment, the Water contamination lagoon that inhabits, have led to the Patagonian frog is in critical danger of extinction.

Image: masneuquen


The huillínLontra provocax), like the previous species, it is endemic to Patagonia. It is an aquatic mammal that feeds on crustaceans. It is currently in Danger of extinction mainly due to two causes: the destruction of their habitat and the introduction of american mink, a species with which the huillín competes for food and habitat.

Hill mouse

This rodent known as hill mouseMelanomys zunigae) it is found only in Peru. Unfortunately it is close to extinction, in fact it is classified as in critical danger of extinction. This is due to the destruction of their habitat and the introduction of exotic species.

Meet 20 animals in danger of extinction from Peru here.

Other endangered animals in Latin America

Below we will list other species of endangered animals in Latin America.

  • White-winged Guan (Penelope albipennis)
  • Blue whale (Balaenoptera muluscus)
  • Earthworm salamander (Oedipina nica)
  • Chaco Peccary (Catagonus wagneri)
  • Long-tailed chinchillaChinchilla lanigera)
  • Mountain coati (Nasuella meridensis)
  • Red-faced warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia)
  • Little cardinal (Spinus cucullatus)
  • Spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth)
  • Earwig hummingbirdHylonympha macrocerca)
  • Orinoco crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius)
  • Vinaceous parrot (Amazona vinacea)
  • Swamp cockroach (Cistothorus apolinari)
  • Golden Frog (Atelopus zeteki)
  • Arica Hummingbird (Eulidia yarrellii)
  • Sea catFeline lontra)
  • Volcano growlerPristidactylus volcanensis)
  • Andean catLeopardus jacobita)

If you want to read more articles similar to Endangered animals in Latin AmericaWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

  • Red Lists of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Website: https://www.iucnredlist.org/es/
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