19 Australia's Endangered Animals - Names and Photos

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Australia has a huge number of endemic animal species, meaning Australia is home to unique animal species found nowhere else on planet Earth. Animals such as koalas, platypus, kangaroos, the most dangerous snakes and more can be found in the wild exclusively in Australia. Unfortunately, however, many of the Australian animal species are at extremely high risk of extinction. That is why we will dedicate this Green Ecologist post to tell you what the endangered animals in Australia according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In addition, we will mention the causes that threaten its existence.


The quokkaSetonix brachyurus) that with his mouth seems to outline a smile, is known as the happiest animal in the world. It is actually a small herbivorous marsupial that is endemic to Australia. Precisely, the fame that has been generated around this Australian animal has strongly affected its conservation status in the wild, due to the increase in demand for specimens for zoos and as pets. In addition, the quokka is under threat from habitat loss and fragmentation and droughts exacerbated by climate change. Currently, the quokka is classified as vulnerable to extinction according to the IUCN and its populations are in decline.

Get to know him more with this other article about the Quokka, the happiest animal in the world.

Regent Honeyman

The regent honeymakerAnthochaera phrygia) It is a solitary bird with a striking plumage that is part of the Australia wildlife. It particularly inhabits the forested areas of the south-east of Australia. Its current situation severely worries scientists because it has been classified by the IUCN as en critical danger of extinction. The causes that caused the abrupt decline in their populations are related to the loss and fragmentation of habitat, the trade in their specimens, the introduction of exotic species and climate change. Another somewhat sad fact is that it is believed that the species is losing its typical song: the few existing specimens are so dispersed that young males cannot imitate the song of adult males.

Tasmanian devil

The well known Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) It is another of the Australian animals. Its distribution covers only the Australian island of Tasmania, hence its name. Regarding its peculiarities, it is a marsupial mammal, a carnivore with nocturnal and twilight habits. Today it is considered by the IUCN as in danger of extinction. The causes that led to the delicate situation of this species are the poaching of its specimens and the introduction of exotic species.

Corroboree frogs

In Australia, there are two species of corroboree frogs: the southern corroboree frogPseudophryne corroboree) critically endangered and the northern corroboree frogPseudophryne pengilleyi) in danger of extinction. The truth is that there are many threats to which these species are exposed, among them we mention the destruction of their habitat, introduction of exotic species, pollution and climate change. It is curious that although both species are the same at first glance, they differ in the patterns and size of the yellow spots on the back.

Australian Humpback Dolphin

The Australian humpback dolphinSousa sahulensis) It's one of the animals in vulnerable status in Australia. This peculiar cetacean inhabits the northern coasts of Australia, also reaching the southern coasts of New Guinea. The Australian humpback dolphin is currently classified by the IUCN as vulnerable to extinction and with its population in decline in relation to the number of specimens. The state of vulnerability that this species presents is mainly due to the port development experienced by the Australian coasts, pollution, accidental catches by fishing vessels, hunting and climate change.

Blue tongue lizard

The blue tongue lizardTiliqua adelaidensis), is an Australian species that was believed to be extinct but was rediscovered during 1992. Its distribution is limited to the Barrossa Valley, a valley in southern Australia. This reptile lives in ancient spider burrows in native grasslands. Due to the advancement of agriculture and aquaculture and the levels of contamination caused by these activities, the bluetongue lizard is considered, according to the IUCN, as in danger of extinction.

Image: Pinterest

Other endangered animals in Australia

In this section we will list more species of Australian animals that are found vulnerable or endangered:

  1. Northern wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii)
  2. Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
  3. Australian kangaroo rat or northern bettong (Bettongia tropica)
  4. Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)
  5. Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
  6. Eastern quol (Dasyurus viverrinus)
  7. Golden Vandicut (Isoodon auratus)
  8. Bilbi major (Macrotis lagotis)
  9. Australian flat-finned dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni)
  10. Irawadi river dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)
  11. Australian pheasant (Leipoa ocellata)
  12. Giant earthworm (Megascolides australis)
  13. River crab (Tenuibranchiurus glypticus)

How to help Australia's endangered animals

So far we have learned about endangered species in Australia. From now on, we will mention some tips that you can incorporate into your daily life to help australian animals at risk of extinction.

  • Try to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Avoid consuming polluting products.
  • Do not promote mascotism or illegal wildlife trafficking. Neither is the consumption of products that contain parts of animals at risk of extinction.
  • Participate in NGOs that promote species conservation.
  • Get involved to prevent forest deforestation.
  • If you know, report cases of animal poaching.
  • Avoid introducing species that come from other places.

We also recommend reading this other article on Why it is important to protect endangered animals.

If you want to read more articles similar to Endangered animals in AustraliaWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

  • Red Lists of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Website: https://www.iucnredlist.org/es/
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