Renewable energies: advantages and disadvantages - Summary

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Renewable energies are considered the future of energy and, in fact, they are already very present today. Every day it is more urgent to bet on green, ecological or environmentally friendly energies that allow us to reduce the impact of climate change, which we have accelerated through our activities, among which the extraction and use of non-renewable energies stand out. .

Therefore, and to generate greater awareness about the need to bet on sustainability, in this article by Ecologista Verde, made in collaboration with Tech, we tell you all about the renewable energy, its advantages and disadvantages. Tech is a digital university that offers us a variety of courses, masters, postgraduates and specializations, including the University Courses on Renewable Energy. If you are interested in training in this interesting topic of renewable energy, do not hesitate to learn about these courses and continue reading this summary.

What are renewable energies

The energies are classified into two large groups: renewable energies and non-renewable energies. The first, The renewable energies, sometimes they are also called clean energies, that is, those that have their origin in clean, inexhaustible resources and that are generated naturally, such as hydro, solar or wind energy, and that, generally, during the process they can pollute less than those obtained from non-renewable resources.

While the latter, non-renewable energiesThey are conventional energies and although they also come from nature, come from limited natural resources and its extraction is increasingly complicated, such as fossil fuels (oil, coal or gas) or nuclear.

In summary, we can say that renewable energies are those that are obtained from the use of inexhaustible natural resources, such as the sun, wind or water. If you want to expand this information, we recommend you read this other article about the Differences between renewable and non-renewable energies with examples.

Advantages of renewable energies

Now that you know what renewable energy is, it's time to talk about the advantages of using it.

They respect the environment more

The main benefit of betting on renewable energies is, without a doubt, that most of them when used do not produce CO2 emissions or other harmful gases, that is, gases that produce a greater greenhouse effect or polluting emissions for the atmosphere, as yes it happens with fossil fuels. Thanks to renewable energies, the environment is taken care of more, because they are more sustainable and reduce pollution that can have consequences both in our environment and in our own health.

They are unlimited energies

If renewable energies are characterized by something, it is precisely because of that: because they are renewable and unlimited, that is, in principle they don't run out. We can always use them to continue producing energy without fear that its natural resources will run out, as is the case with fossil fuels, for example.

They are safer

Renewable energies, in addition to being respectful with the environment, are generally also much safer, since they do not generate waste during their operation and do not generate polluting emissions that are harmful to health.

They facilitate autonomy

We speak of economic independence and even self-consumption. With renewable energies, external dependence decreases because production from the area's natural resources can boost the economy of each region. In this way, not only the country's resources are taken advantage of, but also our own technologies can be developed and we can even manufacture energy from our own homes, for example, through the installation of solar panels.

Create jobs

Renewable energies can generate many more jobs than conventional energies. Taking into account the projection of demand and the implementation of this type of energy that must take place in the medium term, it is estimated that these energies will be able to generate up to five times more jobs than non-renewable ones.

Disadvantages of renewable energy

Without a doubt, renewable energies have more advantages than disadvantages, however, there are some disadvantages to consider.

A part of them does pollute

As is known, there is nothing that does not pollute at all, since everything has a result when created, used or destroyed that involves the production of gases or other elements. For this reason, it is true that renewable energies also contaminate, specifically and as an example, we can say that it contaminates the construction of facilities to produce said energies from renewable natural resources. However, it is much less pollution than that produced in general by non-renewable energies.

Power output is irregular

Since obtaining renewable energy depends 100% on inexhaustible or renewable natural elements, when optimal conditions are not met, energy production stops. Everything depends on atmospheric phenomena and these are not controllable. For example, in the case of wind energy, the wind is needed to produce energy or, in the case of solar energy, it needs to be a fairly sunny area, which cannot always be the case. In this sense, there are means of energy storage that seek to save large amounts of energy to supply the network when environmental conditions are not the most appropriate.

The resources are not the same according to the geographical area

One of the great problems of renewable energies is that not all regions have equal natural resources, so not everyone has access to the same amount or the same type of energy. It is a long-term and developing field that will need adaptations that allow anyone to have access to them.

They require investment and space

Renewable energies face great challenges, such as the installation of solar panels or energy storage and the tendency to carry out sustainable habits, such as the use of the electric car. Generating environmental awareness is essential to be able to bet on this type of energy, but it also requires a significant investment that not all users, a priori, can afford. Although this type of energy is profitable in the long run, at the beginning they require a significant financial outlay, in addition to requiring a large space that can negatively affect the visual impact.

If you want to read more articles similar to Renewable energies: advantages and disadvantages, we recommend that you enter our category of Renewable Energies.

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