Solar fine before the sun tax - Green Ecologist

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The sun belongs to everyone, or so we believed until someone brilliantly came up with the idea of coining the concept of «sun tax»With two direct benefits for the large energy companies in Spain; One, the delay in the imminent renewal of the electricity sector for the benefit of renewable and alternative energies, and two, give the last blow for the benefit of their economic interests before users and European administrations stop a legislative chain of inconsistency and which contradicts modern reasoning.

On José Mota's YouTube channel he has shared a video called Solar fine. A sketch that parodies the sun tax from a limited perspective, which however many users will be able to assimilate as a palpable reality of their current situation.

Phrases like …«The future is spectacular. European guidelines establish that in 2022 27% of energy must be renewable and Spain could cover 20% of its consumption by taking advantage only of the force of the waves » Francisco García (President of the marine section of the Association of Renewable Energy Companies - APPA) tells us that "The cuts to renewable energy have been more than 4,500 million euros between 2014 and 2015" In a press release from the APPA… They continue to show us that there is still a long way to go.

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