Zaha Hadid arquitectos will build the imposing Tower C - Green Ecologist

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The new spectacular project of the Zaha Hadid studio

While, in Europe or America, architectural trends focus more on buildings of small size, or at least height or their usability, it is not a remarkable building objective. Asia is the opposite.

And at the head, China, which continues to revolutionize the field of modern architecture with risky proposals and large skyscrapers. It is the paradise for the most avant-garde architects and studios who want to stand out.

The great architecture firms worldwide are constantly "fighting" to win some colossal megaproject with impressive and modern designs. And of course, the architecture office of Zaha hadid, is on the front line.

Not long ago, we already published an article about the inauguration of the futuristic airport designed by Zaha Hadid that occupies more than 700,000 square meters - crazy! But today, another visual spectacle also plays …

The Zaha Hadid architecture studio win again a new design award for the construction of Tower C. It will be the center of a financial super headquarters and major commercial center in Shenzhen Bay (Hong Kong Metropolitan Area).

The spectacular design of the building leaves no one indifferent; two large towers that will reach 400 meters in height, with an envelope made of glass walls and an architectural vertebra that will join the two towers at the bottom.

Although the height of the building is not the most remarkable nor is it any milestone, if we compare it with other buildings built in Asia (See article on tallest buildings in the world). The "superbase" of the edification, yes it will be a constructive reference for its dimensions and implications in the urban environment.

It must be taken into account that, as a whole, the building will be able to house more than 300,000 employees, whose construction - mainly - will be destined to a technology center that will bring together different corporate headquarters.

The The building's 'superbase' has been designed in a staggered manner with the intention of connecting without architectural barriers with the squares, streets and adjacent parks. But also, by rising inside the two towers, you will be inviting the public to the heart of the building, where leisure areas and cultural spaces will be housed.

Over time, the tiered lower floors will be transformed into a landscape of landscaped terraces where the public can enjoy playful spaces at different heights with all kinds of vegetation and trees.

The technology has always played a big role in the way the company designs, and Zaha Hadid herself, was one of the pioneers in the use of computers for architecture in the mid-90s, she could not be absent from this project!

The design of the structure is conceived with 3D modeling tools developed by Zaha Hadid's own studio team. And, remember, we already saw an example of how the firm uses artificial intelligence in architectural projects.

With three-dimensional modeling they have achieved optimize the efficiency of the architectural mass, the orientation, the proportions of the facades and their natural light in relation to the floors of the building, being able to obtain office spaces with perfect natural lighting and without columns.

Of course, building control technology will also play an important role. It is the building of the future! Intelligent home automation systems that will continuously monitor the environmental conditions inside the building optimizing the consumption of energy, humidity, water, etc.

The building envelope will be covered by a continuous high-efficiency glass curtain that incorporates automated systems to control the light intensity of the sun over the spaces and individualized ventilation by plants.

The design also incorporates the collection and recycling of water, as well as renewable energy by photovoltaic panels to collect solar energy.

Tower C will not only house offices. It is a multidimensional vertical city that will have entertainment, shops, gastronomy, and a hotel. And in the underground area, apart from parking for vehicles and bicycles, it will also incorporate a metro stop.

The design of Tower C that we can see from Zaha Hadid's study integrates nature with the city within a central green axis that tries to maximize a more sustainable urban development by prioritizing users more strongly.

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