Investment in energy efficiency in the US will double in 10 years

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In Europe, investment in energy efficiency will double in about ten years.

Actually in Europe is considered that there is approximately an area of 23 Billion square meters destined to the residential and commercial real estate park which is representing 40% of the final consumption of Energy that is consumed in the EU, therefore, reducing the energy consumption of buildings should be and is a priority from Europe.

This attitude is benefiting different sectors related and complementary to the energy efficiency of buildings.There is a growing interest and proven profitability in the field of technology and innovation; LED technologies, building automation and control systems, software solution providers and manufacturers of traditional hardware for heating, ventilation and air conditioning or lighting and control systems are expanding their offer of services aimed at improving energy efficiency, but not only is this aspect, a very important point is being expanded …

"Financing efficient projects" that according to the report ofNavigant Research foresees that The European market for energy efficient products and services for buildings will grow from € 41.4 Billion ($ 56 Billion) in 2014 to € 80.8 Billion ($ 109 Billion in 2023). Such are the prospects for compliance and the requirements that the EU is imposing in terms of energy efficiency regulations that in practically a 10-year period the investment will double.

The report named "Energy Efficient Buildings: Europe" from Navigant Research analyzes the European market for products and services with energy-efficient characteristics for residential and commercial construction across the 28 Member States of the European Union, plus Norway and Switzerland.

According to the report, collectively, the energy efficient buildings market in Europe is led by France, Germany and the United Kingdom. They are countries that "apparently" show strong support for EU policies on energy efficiency with large innovative companies that are investing a wide variety of resources, both financial and infrastructure.

Followed by Italy and Spain, which although they have a promising market, their policies are less effective with poorer regulatory frameworks than some EU members. In the case of scandinavian countriesAlthough individually they have a small market, their commitment to everything related to caring for the environment is absolute and this is evident in their social policies.

In general the policies established by the EU on energy efficiency issues are one of the strictest in the world therefore the report recalls that not all EU countries will be able to keep up with the pace established by the European Commission in its Energy Efficiency Guidelines being that the countries that are at the top will have to make greater investments in both time and money so that, as a whole, the objectives established for 2022 are met.

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